Wednesday, 29 February 2012

OOTD- Preppy girl

Hi Lovelies!

Seeing as it's the end of February today I should really be doing my February favourites post now, but as I don't have all the photos ready for that yet I thought I'd show you an outfit that I wore to uni last week instead...

Top- Miss Selfridge
Skirt- Republic
Cardigan- New Look
Tights- Primark
Brogues- ASDA
Necklace- H. Samuels 
Bracelets- Links of London and Pandora 

To try and stop me from buying too many new clothes I've been trying to rediscover my love for old things that have been at the back of my wardrobe for ages, hence why I'm wearing the pink cardi and floral skirt, as these are two items that I haven't worn in over a year I reckon (well I've worn the cardigan as 1940's costume but that doesn't count!). 

I don't know why I've neglected them for so long to be honest, as I love the preppy girly look they create when paired with my bargain brogues and staple miss selfridge lacy top. I also kept my make up simple and pinned back my hair to finish the look and it made a nice change to the more casual looks I sometimes end up going for when I'm running late for uni!

What do you think of my preppy girl look? Do you dress up everyday or end up going casual to save time?

Right I need to go to the 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' run through that I've got on tonight...I'm so busy at the moment as I'm in four different shows over the next three weeks so I'm out the house for about 14 hours some days and finding it a bit hard to keep up with everything, but I'm still going to try and post more regularly throughout March!

I hope you're all having wonderful Wednesdays!
Love Meg


  1. This is super cute! I love the preppy girl look.
    Claudia xxx

  2. That skirt is beautiful! :) x

  3. Really really love this outfit, especially the skirt :) xx

  4. thankyou girls, such lovely comments :) xxx

  5. Loving the lace detail on the top and the floral skirt is gorgeous. You have such cute style !

  6. I pretty much dress like this every day! thanks for the lovely comment to my blog, I love yours- it's one of my favourites already, and I'll be following as soon as I get home (can't figure out how to do it on my mobile) x x x

  7. great outfit, you look very romantic...

  8. Love your outfit, especially the top and cardigan!

  9. You look really pretty, cute blog xxx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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