Monday, 31 December 2012

My 2012 in Outfits

Hey Girls!

As it's New Years Eve today (literally where did that year go?) I thought it would be fun to finish the blogging year with a bit of a 2012 outfit round up which obviously shows what hair and make up I've been loving this year too. I've picked an outfit of the day/night from each month and found it so strange to see how  my style has changed over the past 12 months, particularly in terms of my hair and make up (You can tell how excited I was about my hair being long enough to put in a bun from August!). So anyway I hope you enjoy my little montage and please try not to laugh at the cringey faces and/or poses...

I'm going to be posting tomorrow all about my highlights of the year and some New Years Resolutions I'll undoubtedly be breaking next week, but for now I'm off to film my top 12 products of 2012 video and do some uni work before heading out tonight. I'm starting at a wedding reception as I did the wedding make up for a lovely bride, her mummy and four bridesmaids this morning (they got me an incredible gold packaged thank you present but more on that later), then meeting up with my bestfriends and boyfriend in town so we can spend midnight together, all very exciting stuff... but anyway I hope you all have an amazing New Years Eve and a huge thank you to everyone who's read my blog this year, I'm honestly amazed that even a couple of people like to read my ramblings!

Love Meg
Sunday, 30 December 2012

Start 2013 In Style: Next Blog Post

Hello Lovelies!

It's just a quick one from me today as I've got the girls coming over soon for night of too much chocolate and chatting, but anyway before that happens I thought I'd share the second blog post that I wrote for Next during my PR Work experience with you as it's all about what to wear for New Years Eve and as that's only a day away I thought it might help a few of you still stuck for outfit ideas...below is a little sneak preview of how it looks but please do click here if you want to be lovely and read it!

You can also read the other post I wrote for the Next blog here. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and I will finally get round to putting my work experience diary up on the blog early in the new year. Right I best go and get the house and myself ready for visitors now so have a lovely night and I'll be back with my 2012 round up post tomorrow (as if it's over already!) Oh and I also had a bit of a blog redesign last night as the one I had looked different on phones and tablets for some reason and I just fancied a bit of a change. I hope you like it :) 

Love Meg
Thursday, 27 December 2012

Santa's Stash: What I got for Christmas!

Hello Lovelies!

As I promised in my last post tonight I'm going to show you what Santa brought me down the chimney on Christmas day and put in my stocking and under the tree. Yes, in my house we still say thank you to Father Christmas!  I was really lucky and so happy with everything I unwrapped so I hope you enjoy having a little nose through these photos as I personally love reading these types of posts...

I'm not going to go through everything I got as you can see it all for yourself in the photos and I'll also be popping a Christmas haul type video up on my youtube channel soon, but my most favourite present has to be the Google Nexus 7 tablet which my boyfriend was soooo kind to surprise me with! I've wanted a tablet for quite a while now as I hate lugging my big heavy laptop on my travels and to uni everyday so this will be perfect for keeping up with emails, blogging and uni work (and online shopping of course), as well as watching films on the many trains I catch...goodbye looking out the window boredom! I also adore the pink Filofax my parents got me as it'll be great to have such a nice organiser for when I hopefully start work next year and it also makes me feel like Elle Woods. Not that she's my idol or anything. Other stand out presents have to be the fashion blog book from my sister, One Direction gel pens that I got in my stocking and the red tartan scarf my grandparents got me which I can't wait to style in a similar way to how Lily wears hers. Oh and of course the Real Techniques powder brush, lovely lip products and giant pack of Reeses Peanut Butter cups didn't go down too badly either!

Please let me know if you've done any Christmas present posts as I do love being nosey. 
I had my first not very festive time today as I had to work 9-5, I'm doing the same tomorrow too but then I've got a lovely few days with my boyfriend, family and friends to look forward to over the weekend and New Years so it's not all bad. Tonight I'm just going to unwind, have a full on post Christmas pamper using some of my new beauty bits and then finish the book I'm reading, I do love evenings spent like that. I hope you all have a good night!

Love Meg
Wednesday, 26 December 2012

My Christmas in Pictures

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Well, more like Merry Boxing Day but that doesn't quite have the same ring to it...anyway I hope you all had an amazing time yesterday eating ridiculous amounts of food and opening lots of pressies. I've had such a wonderful time and am just in the middle of Christmas round two at the moment as I spent most of yesterday round my boyfriend's house, but today we're both at mine. It is hard to balance all the family you have to see sometimes, but it has made Christmas last a lot longer and two Christmas dinners is never a bad thing! So anyway I'll be doing a 'what I got for Christmas' post tomorrow as I've been a very lucky girl, but right now I just wanted to share some of my festive snaps from the last couple of days with you. I'm not doing a full outfit post as I wore the same glittery velvet Topshop skater dress that featured on my 21st Post, but you can have a little look at my outfit, makeup, hair and nails here...

Face and Hair of the day | Santa's been busy | The perfect party dress | Goodbye One Direction | Festive fireplace | Nails of the Day | The best red winter lip | Christmas Eve onesie times | nom nom nom 
I'm going to get back to watching films on the sofa with the mountains of chocolate I've acquired now before the Boxing day buffet appears...I can tell what my New Years resolution will be! But anyway have a lovely rest of your holiday and I'll hopefully be back to show you what Santa got me tomorrow, although I do also have to work 9-5... not in retail though so I won't have to cope with the hoards at the sales thank god. Oh and please link me any Christmas posts you've done as I really love reading them :)

Love Meg
Monday, 24 December 2012

Video: What I got for my 21st Birthday!

Hey Girls,

So this is a little bit late (better late than never and all that jazz), but I've just uploaded my 21st Birthday presents video and wanted to share it with you in case you fancied giving it a watch. I have already done a post on my presents but didn't go into that much detail on everything so if you did want to know a bit more about what I got then give this a little look and as ever please do subscribe to my youtube channel if you enjoy it...

I will hopefully be back later today with a nice Christmas related post (I couldn't be more excited for tomorrow eeek) and will also be posting my PR work experience diary soon after all the festivities are over, it's just been a bit too manic at home this close to Christmas to do all the blogging I wanted! I'm starting my Christmas Eve today by having a big wrapping session with my boyfriend, then having lunch with my two best girls followed by Christingle and family friend drinks, so I best go and get ready then!

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve :)
Love Meg
Thursday, 20 December 2012

What Look Will You Be Rocking Around the Christmas Tree: My First Next Work Experience Blog Post

Hello Lovelies!

Sorry for not posting so far this week but I've been having an amazing and insanely busy time doing work experience with the PR Department at the Next Head Office! I've been keeping a blog diary of all the exciting things I've been getting up to each day, so at the weekend I'll be posting that along with lots of photos just in case you're interested in the fashion PR industry yourself. As I'm mainly working with the social media side of PR one of the best things I've been doing is writing and putting together posts for the Next Blog, which I'm sure lots of you are aware of particularly if you belong to the Next Blogger Network. Well my first post was published yesterday and as I don't really have time tonight to write anything new (four hours travelling a day plus 9-5 in the office certainly takes it out of you and leaves very little energy for blog post composing!) I thought I'd leave you a little link to it, as not only would I love to hear your feedback but hopefully some of you will find it quite useful if you're stuck on what outfit to wear on Christmas day next week...

So please click here to take a peek at my Next blog post on Christmas outfit ideas!

check me out having my own desk...easily pleased much?
I'm getting really sad that it's my last day in the office tomorrow as I've enjoyed this week so much and it's really made me sure of what career path I want to take. I am also excited it's nearly the weekend too though as I'm staying with one of my best uni friends this week as his house is so much closer to commute from, so Saturday means I can finally go home for Christmas! I hope you're all having a great week and exciting run up to the big day :)

Love Meg
Saturday, 15 December 2012

My Makeup: Christmas Party

Hey Girls!

I mentioned at the end of yesterday's blogging that I'd be back today with a 'My Makeup' post to show you the face of the night I wore to my uni Christmas Party on Thursday. For me one of the best things about this time of year is experimenting with different festive faces for all the fun dates that pop up in your diary and on Thursday I actually decided to push the boat out and stray from my usual night time dark smoky eye and red lip. It's only Christmas once a year after all...      

Base: Smashbox Photo Finish Primer, Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation '52', Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer '02', Maybelline Dream Lumi Touch Concealer 'Ivory', Bourjois Healthy Balance Powder '52'
Base Detailing: Bourjois Delice De Poudre Bronzing Powder '51', Sleek 'Guipure' Blush, Topshop 'Crescent Moon' Highlighter, BareMinerals 'Dark Blonde/Brown' Brow Powder
Eyes: Maybelline 24HR  'Eternal Gold' Colour Tattoo, Urban Decay Naked 2 Eyeshadows 'Half Baked', 'YKD' and 'Busted', Rimmel Exaggerate Liquid Liner, Makeup Forever Smoky Lash Mascara
Lips: Rimmel Kate Moss Lasting Finish Lipstick '02', Sally Hansen Lip Inflation Gloss
Hair: Blonde hair donut

On nights out I try to make my base as long lasting as possible so always use a primer and setting powder to keep it in place all night. I also tend to go for Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation on nights out as I know I can build it up to create a flawless coverage that doesn't look too heavy and as it doesn't contain SPF there's no risk of getting the dreaded ghost face in tagged photos that pop up on Facebook the next day! When I'm dressing up I like to really go for it in terms of blush and contouring too and Sleek 'Guipure' is perfect for the party season as like Nars 'Orgasm' it contains a subtle gold shimmer that looks so pretty in the light. As I mentioned before I decided to do something a bit different from my go to dark smoky eye as I wanted the look to be more in keeping with the party season so started with a sparkly gold cream shadow as a base, which not only added some much needed sparkle but also stopped the powder shadow I put on top from creasing. I then used 'half baked', a powder gold from my Naked 2 palette, all over the top followed by the shimmery berry shade 'YKD' from middle to outer lid with the deep berry 'Busted' in the crease to add some nice definition. Instead of lining my whole eye as I usually do when I'm going out, I decided to do a thick flicked line just across the top of the lid which thickened the lash line and added a bit of an Audrey Hepburn feel. For lips I thought I'd go for bright pink as a bit of a twist on the classic bright red, so used my Kate Moss lipstick with some plumping gloss because the lipstick is gorgeous, matte and so long lasting, then the lip inflation provides some extra volume and glossiness. I also put my hair in a top knot using my hair donut as it's such an easy way of adding some grown up glamour to any outfit.

What makeup look are you loving this season? Today I went Christmas shopping in Sheffield with my house mates so I'm feeling a bit more prepared for the big day, although my bank balance is not loving life quite as much as me right now! We also had a really nice lunch out at a place called 'The Frog and Parrot' (You have to try their sweet potato fries if you get the chance) and are now going to have a nice final night in our uni house before we head home for the holidays with a hearty winter dinner and Strictly and Buble on the tele. I hope you're all having a lovely weekend too!

Love Meg
Friday, 14 December 2012

Video: Why Do You Wear Makeup TAG

Hey Girls!

I've just uploaded another video for you all which is the 'Why do you wear makeup TAG', I know quite a few of my favourite bloggers did a post on this TAG a while back and I loved reading them so thought I'd get involved with a video version. I really enjoyed filming this as it's a bit more chatty than usual and also allowed me to feature three of my favourite holy grail make up items, so you're just going to have to watch the video to find out what those are now aren't you...

As always please subscribe to my youtube channel if you enjoy watching and let me know if there are any other videos you'd like me to film. I've had a very chilled out duvet day today as I've finished uni for Christmas now and went on a really good night out last night. I'll be popping up a post on the make up I wore tomorrow so stay tuned for that if you're in need of some festive make up inspiration for your own Christmas parties and have a wonderful night!

Love Meg
Wednesday, 12 December 2012

My 21st: The Presents

Hello Lovelies!

Today I thought I'd finally get round to showing you what presents I got for my 21st Birthday, I've already shown you my outfit but thought you might like to see the new beauty bits and other things I was so lucky to receive from my amazing family, friends and boyfriend. It's going to be a picture heavy post as I didn't think a long list of things would be very interesting so I do hope you enjoy having a nose... 

So as you can see I was a very lucky girl and must say I felt really spoilt! Particularly as my boyfriend got me a beautiful Tiffany bracelet (Audrey Hepburn eat your heart out) which has now pretty much become glued to my wrist and my parents actually got me 21 presents including lots of make up that's only available in America (Just have a look at all those peachy lip products in picture 3!). I was also very excited to get given a new Cath Kidston make up bag, some Origins skincare, Victoria's Secret undies and the Enrapture Encode Totem Styler. The Styler was my main present from my house mates and I can't wait to try it out as I used my friend's set to do my hair on my birthday night out and the curls were so easy to create and lasted such a long time. My beautiful cake, pink balloons and of course my One Direction bag were the cherries on top of such wonderful gifts and an overall amazing Birthday, please can I be 21 again next year?

  I have done a 'Birthday Haul' type video where I go into more detail on all the things I got which I will hopefully be uploading soon, but do let me know if there are things in the pictures that you want reviews of and I'll do my best to get round to doing them. I best be off now though as we're having our house Christmas dinner tonight so I need to go and peel some spuds or something cooky like that! I hope you're all having a great week!

Love Meg

Monday, 10 December 2012

Festive Nails: Barbie Sparkle

                                                                                                             Hey Girls!                                                                                                                                             
It's just a quick nail polish post from me tonight as I've been super busy today and this weekend but thought I could show you the festive inspired nails I've been loving lately before I get into my pj's and snuggle down to watch Made In Chelsea...

They're a bit different from your standard glittery green or berry red nails which I quite like as I tend to save the full on Christmas stuff for closer to the big day. They also remind me of something Barbie might wear on her nails in December which in my eyes is always a plus! I'm going to be a bit rubbish now as I don't actually know what brand the silver polish is or the name of the No7 Stay Perfect shimmery pink because they're polishes that I've just had for ages and I can't remember where I got them (I know, such a helpful beauty blogger). But anyway, hopefully this shows you a nice alternative to the deep colours of this party season and gets you in the mood for some glitter!

I'll be back with my 21st presents post tomorrow so prepare yourself for a much longer post then! I've had such a fun time this weekend doing stuff with my performing arts society (I ended up playing Romeo last night in a charity spoof of the Shakespeare classic. Standard Sunday then.), but now I'm looking forward to a cosy night in before the festivities continue.

Have a fabulous night lovelies!
Love Meg 
Friday, 7 December 2012

Christmas Gift Guide: The Failsafe Five (For Her)

Hello Lovelies!

Now it's December and less than 20 days until the big day (17 to be exact) I thought it was about time I  wrote some properly festive posts, starting with my first gift guide. I know a lot of people get stressed about buying the right present for their loved ones at this time of year so I thought I'd do a little series called 'The Failsafe Five' which will consist of five present ideas that in my opinion any girl/boy would be happy to open on Christmas morning. I've also tried to pick things that can be as affordable or as expensive as you want to cater for all budgets, so I hope this helps to take the stress out of shopping (and makes more time for those Starbucks gingerbread lattes)...

1. Soap and Glory Gift Sets: No matter how expensive her taste, I don't know any girl that doesn't love Soap and Glory. It is undoubtedly the best smelling and prettiest packaged body brand around and makes such an affordable present as not only can you pick up a set like this 'Small Wonders' gift box for only £10 but it's nearly always on 3 for 2 at Boots.
2. Bottles of Baileys: A great gift for tom boys and girly girls alike, even if she's not a big drinker Bailey's can also be used to make delicious deserts and hot chocolates. And with flavours like mint chocolate and creme caramel for only £12 it's like an exciting grown up answer to a terry's chocolate orange (even though they are totally welcome in my stocking too).
3.Pandora Jewellery: Of course any jewellery would put a smile on most girl's faces, but buying something that comes complete with a Pandora box and bag is a particularly good choice as it's a name every lady knows and loves and also offers some more affordable pieces and bracelets that you can personalise with charms like these to make them super special.
 4. Benefit Beauty Boxes: You can be assured that on every girl's wish list there will be some form of make up, however it's not always easy to get the right thing without ruining the surprise or spending about £30 on the wrong shade of Nars blusher (Because yes there is a huge difference between 'Orgasm' and 'Super Orgasm', obviously), which is why these Benefit sets are so great because they're from a greatly coveted high end brand and allow you to try out lots of different products. They also work out more cheaply than buying individual bits with this 'She's So Jetset' coming in at a very reasonable £29.50. 
5. Yankee Candles: I'm aware that not every lady wants to own enough make up to kit out several faces a day which is why I think Yankee Candles make a perfect gift for almost every girl and the more mature woman too. Because everyone likes to smell nice things right? They also come in lovely glass bottles and come in so many different scents that you could spend all day sniffing their yumminess and still not know which one to get (I've had this problem many a time in Clintons)!

I hope you enjoyed that first gift guide and that your Christmas shopping is going well! Mine isn't going anywhere at the moment as I came down with a horrible sickness bug yesterday and have done nothing since but watch day time tele and nibble at dry crackers. I've already missed two nights out because of it so I'm really hoping to get myself better by tomorrow so I can start enjoying the last week of uni festiveness. I hope you're all feeling a lot better than me!

Love Meg
Wednesday, 5 December 2012

My 21st: The Outfit

Hello Lovelies!

If you follow me on twitter or ever pay attention to the rambly life bits I put at the end of my posts then you might know that it was my 21st Birthday on Monday! If not then that's the reason I haven't posted for a while as I've had a very busy but really fun time celebrating with all my friends and family. The celebrations started on Saturday night as my boyfriend and best friends from home came up to Sheffield to go on a big night out to my favourite cheesy club night, 'Pop Tarts'. My parents also came up for the weekend and took me for a fancy dinner on Sunday as well as getting me 21 presents, but they'll be more about gifts and food in a different post as now it's all about the outfit of the night...

Dress Topshop
Wedges New Look
Necklace | Usual
Earrings | Dorothy Perkins
Lips | Kate Moss '107'

I was actually going to wear a black cut out dress from Asos I got back in January to mark the big occasion, but then my absolute cuties of home friends convinced me to open their present early as they'd got me this gorgeous glittery velvet skater dress from Topshop that I'd been coveting ever since I wrote my November Wishlist (I'm wearing a size 6 petite for reference). It was so sweet of them as they knew I couldn't afford to buy it myself and I just had to put it straight on and wear it out right away. I adore the flattering skater dress fit and festive glittery velvet material as I think it makes it the ultimate December party dress and I know this will be making quite a few appearances over the Christmas celebrations. I decided to wear it with wedged shoe boots from New Look, berry lips and simple jewellery, as the boots and bright lips gave the girly dress a bit of an edge, whilst the simple accessories balanced out the glitter detail. I did enjoy wearing this dress with my hair curly and clipped back on the night, but I think I'll try it with a top knot or ballet bun next time as that could look quite cute too. But anyway outfit aside I had an amazing night drinking (too much judging by that last photo) and dancing until the lights came on and can't wait to share more Birthday photos and all my presents with you soon! It was also me and my boyfriend's three year anniversary yesterday so I'm having a really happy celebratory time this week :) I hope you all are too!

Love Meg
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