Monday, 24 December 2012

Video: What I got for my 21st Birthday!

Hey Girls,

So this is a little bit late (better late than never and all that jazz), but I've just uploaded my 21st Birthday presents video and wanted to share it with you in case you fancied giving it a watch. I have already done a post on my presents but didn't go into that much detail on everything so if you did want to know a bit more about what I got then give this a little look and as ever please do subscribe to my youtube channel if you enjoy it...

I will hopefully be back later today with a nice Christmas related post (I couldn't be more excited for tomorrow eeek) and will also be posting my PR work experience diary soon after all the festivities are over, it's just been a bit too manic at home this close to Christmas to do all the blogging I wanted! I'm starting my Christmas Eve today by having a big wrapping session with my boyfriend, then having lunch with my two best girls followed by Christingle and family friend drinks, so I best go and get ready then!

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve :)
Love Meg

1 comment:

  1. your christmas eve sounds lovely, have an amazing christmas day tomorrow gorgeous :)xo


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