Alohaa ladies!
Sorry I've been out of the blogging loop for a few days I've been a very busy bee, but thought I'd take some time out to do the nails post I promised which is about the new spring trend- neon orange nails!
At the start of spring it was all about the pastels, but I think due to the release of Hed Kandi's collaboration with Model's Own nail polish that consists of five bright clubbing colours including a neon orange shade called 'beach party', it's now all about the neons. Perhaps these bright shades will encourage the sun to finally come out. Then again perhaps it will remain cold and disgusting just to spite me for saying that hahaa. Anyway I haven't bought 'beach party' yet as I already own a great orange neon polish from Misguided, which is the Mistaken orange nail splash that I briefly spoke about and was wearing in my April favourites video...

I actually got this polish free from with Cosmo last year which is amazing as they are usually £5 a pop and it's the best quality polish I own, mainly because it gives a fully matte coverage in one coat which is pretty rare if you ask me! Not only have I seen lots of big bloggers sporting the orange look, but also lots of celebs, particularly when I watched last weeks Made in Chelsea and saw Millie and Gabriella wearing them! I think it's just a really fun, summery and statement trend and I love it! Are you a fan?
In my absence from blogging I've been to see Hunger Games at the cinema with my friend Matt, had a really fun night out at a cheesy retro club in Sheffield, watched my uni theatre company put on an amazing production of 'Peter Pan' and travelled to London to stay with my boyfriend for the weekend...We've just got back from seeing Avengers at the cinema which I loved. I do sometimes like to bring out my geeky side with comic book films! We're probably just going to have a nice night in now with Saturday night tv and a take away, nom nom.
Have a great Saturday night my lovelies!
Love Meg