Thursday, 31 May 2012

Video- h&m Haul

Oh hello again...

I know I literally just posted, but I just needed to let you know that I uploaded a new video which is a big h&m haul with lots of bargains you can go and buy! 

If you like it please do subscribe!

Have a great night guys, 
Love Meg

May in Pictures

Hello lovelies!

Sorry I've been a bit absent this week but I've spent all week doing crazy long days at uni (I was in for 18 hours yesterday, booo) to get my final project for this year done, but I finished and presented it today so I'm free for the whole summer now, yayyyy! I thought I'd celebrate this joyous occasion by starting a 'my week/month in photos' type post (I'm far too tired to go out!) as I love seeing other peoples and it's always nice to recap the highlights of the past few weeks...

Yummy brunch at 'Giraffe'/ Cider and sun / Mini trip to Reading and London / Cheesy night out at Babylon / Avenue Q in Salford / Calorific Krispy Kreme burger / An standard parcel from my mummy / Looking 'cool' doing sound effects / Project that has been the bain of my life this week. 

What were the highlights of your May? Please do link me any monthly/weekly photo posts you might have done!

After my nightmare week I'm planning to spend a gorgeous night in with made in chelsea and towie catch ups and best of all my bed hahaa

I hope you've all had much less stressful weeks!
Love Meg

p.s I'm also planning on uploading a new video tonight, so keep your eyes peeled for that!
Sunday, 27 May 2012

£1.99 Dupe for MAC 'Shy Girl'- Natural Collection 'Rose Petal'.

Hey Guys!
So this is a post about my current favourite lipstick- Natural Collection's 'Rose Petal', which I think is a great budget alternative to MAC 'Shy Girl'...

As you can see the colour is a very similar peachy pink nude to MAC 'shy girl' and a massive £11.50 less expensive! I'd say the finish is also similar to that of MAC cremesheen and I find it works even better on top of lip primer or vaseline as it stops it from clinging to dry patches on the lips after a few reapplications and makes it fade evenly. This fabulous lipstick is only £1.99 from Boots and you although the packaging gives away the budget price tag, the actual product feels far more expensive- it's moisturising, very long lasting and nicely pigmented.
Personally I think this really is the perfect everyday natural, but not too light, nude lipstick for summer that will flatter every skin tone and for a couple of quid why shouldn't you get it! I know my friend faye was shocked I found such a good lipstick in the Natural Collection range as some of the others are incredibly sheer and not as good, so I think it's just a case of finding the good ones, for example 'Apple blossom' is another really great nude (but a tad too light for some skintones) and I'll do a post on that soon and also my friend Lydia has one in 'Raspberry' that looked amazing on her! Just goes to show you shouldn't dismiss very cheap lippys!

Are you a fan of Natural Collection lipsticks? Or do you have any other budget lipstick dupes to recommend?

I've just spent the day doing uni work and having a picnic in the park with my friend Matt, I'm having an awful lot of those at the moment! Back to work now though, boo...

I hope you've all had lovely weekends!
Love Meg
Saturday, 26 May 2012

Video- My Tanning Routine!

Hello again!

As I said in my earlier post I planned to spend today filming some videos, so here is the first and most requested one- my tanning routine! I hope this is helpful and shows you some good ways to get a professional looking tan on a budget...

If you liked it then please do subscribe, rate, comment and request as it makes me very happy...I hope you've all had a great day and are as excited as I am about Eurovision tonight despite the fact we always come last!

Love Meg

OOTD- Coral addict

Good Morning Girlies!

I was having a little sort out of my photos this morning and came across some outfit pics that I'd totally forgotten to put up, which are of a dressy outfit that I wore out for a cocktails and songs type night the other week...

Dress- New Look
Belt- New Look
Heels- Ebay
Head band- New Look
Earrings- Boots
Nails- Rimmel 60 seconds 'instyle coral'

This was a dress that my boyfriend got me for Easter last year and as it's quite dressy I don't really get many chances to wear it, in fact I think last years holiday was the last time it had an outing so I thought it was about time I brought it out again. As you can see from the title and quite a few of my other posts such as coralista I cannot get enough of coral at the moment- coral dresses, coral blushes, coral lipsticks, coral nails...(not at the same time though I promise!) I think I love it so much because I find it's such a wearable colour that looks good with a tan so it's perfect for summer. I don't own many high necked, long sleeved dresses so it's quite refreshing to wear one and makes it totally fine that my legs are out quite a bit hahaa! With such a bright colour I didn't want to overload on the accessories too much so I teamed it with my nude heels, gold and brown accessories and a bronzed body and make up look.

 What do you think of the look? Are there any other coral obsessed ladies out there?

I don't have any set things I have to do today so I'm going to make some youtube videos (look out for them later today), do some working out and pop to town. I'm highly considering splashing out on Benefit Sun Beam while I'm there as I want it so badly and there isn't a budget dupe, so I'll let you know if I cave into that later... Then tonight I'm having a Eurovision night in with Rosie from therunwayrose and some healthy snacks, as the beach body health kick starts today. Oh and perhaps I'll do some uni work at some point too. Probably whilst sun bathing in the park. Lovely stuff :)

Have a wonderful Sunny Saturday!
Love Meg

p.s A huge congratulations to my lovely Mum and Dad who are celebrating their 28th Wedding Anniversary today!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Nail, eye and brow 'stressful time' treats...

Hello Lovelies,

Just another short and sweet post today as I'm in the thick of all my assessments and it's all I can really manage! Before I left for uni this morning an unexpected parcel arrived for me which was exciting in itself as I love getting post haha but the contents was really exciting too as my Mum and Dad (guessing it was mainly my mother though judging by what was inside!) had sent me some beauty treats to cheer me up during my stressful few weeks. As you can see I got union jack nails, L'oreal eye shadows and brow stencils...... 

I was so pleased with the brow stencils as I've wanted to try them in conjunction with my bareMinerals Brow Powder (post on that here- bareminerals) for ages and I also can't wait to put those funky nails on for the jubilee next week, I just hope they fit my little nail beds! But I'll let you know how I get on with everything soon I'm sure. Have you tried brow stencils, the eye shadows or Primark falsies?

I hope you've all had another great day in the sunshine, I was stuck inside at uni for most of it but still managed to catch a good few hours of rays in the park whilst drinking my new favourite summer treat- a Starbucks mocha light frappucchino, they are only meant to have like 80 calories and they are so yummy and refreshing :) 

Love from,

p.s See what I did there, God I'm inventive :P 
Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Video- My Current Basic Skincare Routine

Hey Lovelies!

Just a quick little post for you tonight to let you know that I finally got round to making quite a requested video which was my current skincare routine. It's a quite a basic one as my skin is behaving itself at the moment so I don't want to do too much to it, but it seems to be keeping my skin quite clear, glowy and hydrated so I hope you enjoy it! As always please do subscribe if you like it...

I've just been loving the sun today as I had a day off from tech work, so I put on a summer dress and had a lovely picnic in the park with my uni friends and now I'm off out for a run as I'm getting rather into my health and fitness at the moment (we'll just ignore all the ice cream and cake I had at the picnic hahaa!).

I hope you've all had an even lovelier day!
Love Meg
Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Topshop Cream Blush in 'Head Over Heels'

Hello Girlies!

So at the weekend I went down to see two of my best friends from home in Reading and obviously the first thing we did was hit the shops (the shops in Reading are amazing, they literally have everything!). I did a post a couple of days ago about wanting to find my perfect peach/coral cream blush (that's here if you missed it-my-hunt-for-perfect) and so we headed straight to Topshop so I could get the blush suggested by call-of-beautybirdle and beautyramblings which was the Topshop cream blush in 'Head Over Heels'... 

First things first, I'm a sucker for any make up that comes in a box as I think it makes it seem so much more high end, so for the incredibly reasonable £6 price tag (even less with student discount) I was chuffed with the little black packaging it came in. The actual compact style casing of the blush is very cute too and the fact it comes with a mirror is brilliant, although I do find it a bit hard to get open, but that's probably just me being silly! The pan of product is nice and big too so you can easily use any brush with it, unlike the Maybelline cream blushes which come in an annoyingly small pot. Onto the actual product then...the shade is exactly the peachy/coral I was after and it looks as good on the cheeks as it does in the pan. It's incredibly pigmented so you need to be careful you don't over do it but I find if I apply it lightly with my Real Techniques Stippling Brush (review here-amazingrealtechniques) then it gives me a really natural, even peachy glow that looks lovely with a tan so will be great for summer. I also really love the cream to powder consistency, although being a cream product and dewy finish sort of girl I'd quite like it if it remained even more creamy and dewy once applied to the skin. 
Below are some photos of it's first test run, which was a night out in Reading, both me and my friend Lydia (middle of first photo) are wearing 'Head Over Heels' and faye (far left) is wearing the blush in 'Neon Rose', which is a brighter coral/pink.

The blushes in action before the night out...

and very close to the end...

As you can hopefully see the blushes hardly budged so they are really long lasting too, even when you've had a bit too much wine and start dancing a tad too enthusiastically hahaaa So overall I'm a huge fan and can't wait to collect the other shades and try out some more Topshop make up! Are you a fan of cream blush and Topshop make up? What would you recommend I try out next from their range?

So as you can probably tell I had a very fun weekend and got to see my boyfriend on the way back to Sheffield too which was really lovely as always. This week isn't quite so fun and lovely though as it's deadline time so I'm a bit stressed out, although I had a big hand in today that I'm so glad is out the way. Ohh and how good is the weather today! As soon as I saw the forecast I whipped out a summer dress and even though I've been stuck in a lighting box all day doing work for my theatre design module it's made me a much happier bunny :)

I hope you've all been able to enjoy the sun today!
Love Meg
Thursday, 17 May 2012

OOTD- American Beatle

Hello Lovelies!

I've got a very casual day time outfit post for you tonight that I wore a few days ago to much as I love to dress up I think it's nice to show what you wear when you're not in a dress and heels!

Top- h&m
Shorts- vintage Levi
Tights- Primark
Hi tops- Converse
Nails- Misguided neon orange

I love band tees, so was a very happy bunny when I found this Beatles one in h&m for about £12, I love the design on both the front and back and the fact no one can moan that I'm wearing a t-shirt with a band on that I've never heard of or don't like (I hate when people do that, all I care about is how it looks hahaa) It's also got that nice low cut out arm detail which I love as it makes it a bit more girly. The vintage Levis are a firm new favourite, but the converse are actually an old favourite from literally years ago that I've recently rediscovered and really like wearing with outfits like this as pumps and boots can get a bit boring!

What do you like to wear on casual days? Do you like my very British and American outfit?
Having done my drama performance exam yesterday I've spent the day doing my English essay that's in for next week a.k.a watching Romeo and Juliet for 'research' and wishing Leonardo Dicaprio still looks as dreamy as he did in 1996! I'm off out for a meal at Zizis now though with some uni friends which will be a nice break all the hard work I've done today (a.k.a crying and oggling hahaa) 
Have a good night!
Love Meg
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Please help! My hunt for the perfect cream peach blush...

Good Morning Girlies!

So it's a bit of a different post today as it's one where I'm asking for your help! Basically I've decided now that I prefer cream blush to powder blush as I love the dewy glow that it gives and find that it goes on perfectly every time when I apply it with my Real Techniques Stippling Brush (there's a full review of that here-amazing-real-techniques). Out of interest do you prefer powder or cream blushes? Anyway, my favourite pink cream blush is the Maybelline Miracle Touch Creamy Blush in 'soft pink'...

I've spoken about this product a little bit before, but to sum it up very quickly it's pigmented, easy to apply, great value at £6.99 and gives an amazing dewy rosy glow and I will do a full review of it soon, however now it's spring and I'm fake tanning I really want to find my perfect peach cream blush as I think it's a shade that look gorgeous with Spring skin as the lovely Nina Dobrev demonstrates-

Nina Dobrev-peach blush-Amy Nadeen-Independent Filmmaker Project Spring Gala

Ideally I'd like to be able to use it with my Real Techniques Stippling Brush and it to be an affordable product, although I'm open to more expensive suggestions! I'd also obviously love it to be of cream consistency, but if you know any great powder ones please do let me know :)

I'm doing an early post today as I've got my drama performance which we're assessed on later, we did it last night too and it went pretty well so hopefully tonight will be even better! It's not all work and no play though as I went to the Sheffield uni activity awards on Monday and went out after which was one of the best nights out I've ever had actually...who doesn't love getting dressed up and dancing till the lights come on :) 

Thanks for your help girlies and I hope your week is going well!
Love Meg
Saturday, 12 May 2012

Cosmo Blog Awards 2012

Hello Lovelies!

I'm very sorry to bore you all with another Cosmo blog awards post when you've probably read loads, but I'll make it short and sweet I promise! So as most of you will  probably know it's that time of year again where nominations for the Cosmo blog awards 2012 have opened and it's time to go and nominate your favourite blogs. I know that my blog is incy wincy teeny weeny and probably doesn't stand a chance of being short listed, but as it's under a year old it does qualify for Next's Newcomer award and it would mean so much to me if even one of you enjoyed my blog enough to nominate me. All you have to do is click on the link below-
 and enter your email and my blog URL which is it's easy peasy!

Plus you get entered into a £500 prize draw just for nominating which is always good! I've already nominated my favourites and you can nominate as many blogs as you want for as many awards as you want so why not get involved!

I had the best day out with my uni friends yesterday in Salford watching the musical Avenue Q and also bumped into an old friend from school before the show who happened to be the female lead! How amazing is that! She was brilliant and also said she liked my blog which made me a very happy bunny :) Today we surprised my friend Laura with a birthday brunch which was really cute and now I'm just chilling out in front of the BGT final cheering on Pudsey because he's so adorable!

Have a lovely weekend!
Love Meg
Thursday, 10 May 2012

OOTD- Simple Sherbet.

Hey Lovelies!

As I promised on Tuesday, here is the outfit that I wore on a night out for my friends birthday last Monday...the dress is a new purchase from h&m (I literally can't get enough of that place at the moment!) and it was such a bargain at £12.99. I tried to style it in a cutsie girly way that was still grown up enough for a night out, I want to look old enough to be in a club after all haha!

Dress h&m
Heels- h&m
Socks- Primark
Belt- New Look
Bangle- Dorothy Perkins
Earrings- New Look 
Necklace- H.Samuels 

I really love the simple skater style of this dress as I think it's such a flattering shape and the pleated detailing is super cute. I really like the colour of it too as it's nice to wear something bright (even if the weather is still refusing to realise that it's Spring) and it reminds me of those orange sherbet sticks you get nom nom! I styled it with my Primark ankle socks to give it that cutsie look and h&m flatforms (aka really comfy wedges) as I can dance in them all night without killing my feet which makes a nice change! I then kept my accessories black to match my shoes and lips and nails bright to match my dress. Lovely jubbly.

Lips- Revlon Lip Butter in 'Lollipop'
Nails- Rimmel 60 seconds in 'Instyle Coral'

What do you think of my outfit? Are you a fan of bright colours and h&m at the moment?

I've just got back from rehearsals for my drama assessment that's next week, we're putting on a production of 'The Changeling' and I totally adore my character (my tutor described her as a Jacobean Barbie hahaa). I really need to crack on with my essays now though as I won't get much done tomorrow because I'm off on a little road trip with my uni friends to Salford to see one of my favourite musicals, Avenue Q. I've already seen it three times as I'm a massive musical geek, but I'm still so excited to see it again and spend the day lunching and mooching round town rather than working!

I hope you've all had lovely Thursdays!
Love Meg

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Video- April Empties

Hey Girlies!

Just a quick post to let you know I've now done my April Empties video showing you the things I used up last month and letting you know what I thought of them...please do give it a watch!

The products I talk about- 
Simple Cleansing Wipes
Rimmel Fix and Perfect Pro Primer 
Pantene Pro-V Hairspray
Impulse Body Spray in 'Very Pink'
No7 Stay Perfect Nail Colour in 'Beautifully Black'
Maybelline 'The Falsies' Mascara

As always please do subscribe, comment and let me know about any requests you might have...oh and link me your empties videos or posts so I can have a look at them!

I've had quite a long, but actually productive day at uni today. I'm getting a bit stressed about all the deadlines and assessments I have coming up so it felt good to do lots of work for once hahaa just having a night in with Britain's Got Talent now, I'm literally obsessed with it at the moment!

Have a great night everyone!
Love Meg
Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Review- Frizz-Ease Intensive Masque

Good Morning Girlies!

I was having a little look back through my posts and realised I hadn't done a full on review in ages so I'm going to do a review of not one, but two products (One today and the other a bit later in the week) are just like buses on my blog it seems!

Anyway, the two products I'm going to review are the John Frieda Frizz-Ease Miraculous Recovery Intensive Masque and Overnight Creme Serum...

 If you've been reading this blog for a while then you'll know I have naturally curly/frizzy hair and I'm a massive fan of the Frizz-Ease three day straight (there's a full review of that here review-john-frieda-3-day-straight if you missed it), so when Mr Frieda brought out his hair repair products for the Frizz-Ease range I was there in a flash. I've actually had these products since around January so hopefully I can give you a pretty good insight into them!

 John Frieda Frizz-Ease Intensive Masque

First up we have the masque. This claims to fortify and repair your hair to resist breakage, as well as reduce frizz and add moisture and shine. First of all I was disappointed with how little product you get for £5.89 as you only get 150ml. This might last quite a while if you only use it once a week, but to be honest I don't feel it's intensive enough to be used as a weekly deep conditioner, as the product isn't very thick in consistency and you are only supposed to leave it on for 3-5 minutes (I like leaving deep weekly treatments on for at least 10 minutes), so I find it actually works better as an everyday conditioner for someone with high maintenance processed hair like mine. However, I found that even using it a few times a week didn't do a lot for my hair as I didn't really notice reduced breakage or much improved look or feel. Overall it's not a terrible product, the scent is pleasant, I like the sleek packaging and it does the job, however I'm let down by it's poor value for money and the fact it isn't really an intensive treatment that delivers the miraculous recovery it claims. 

I was going to do both products in one post but it was getting very long, so the other review will be along later this week hopefully...What are your thoughts on this product and the Frizz-Ease range? Have you got any deep or everyday conditioners to recommend?

 I'm feeling a bit sorry myself as I write this as I went out for my friends birthday last night (outfit post up shortly!) which was so much fun, but I need to sort myself out now as I'm off out again later to an open mic night type thing with my performing arts society. It's Disney themed so me and the girl group I'm in are singing 'I won't say I'm in Love' from Hercules (mega-lolzzz). Oh and I suppose I should also go and do some work for that degree thing I'm doing...

Hope you all had a lovely bank holiday!
Love Meg
Saturday, 5 May 2012

Now trending...neon orange nails

Alohaa ladies!

Sorry I've been out of the blogging loop for a few days I've been a very busy bee, but thought I'd take some time out to do the nails post I promised which is about the new spring trend- neon orange nails!

At the start of spring it was all about the pastels, but I think due to the release of Hed Kandi's collaboration with Model's Own nail polish that consists of five bright clubbing colours including a neon orange shade called 'beach party', it's now all about the neons. Perhaps these bright shades will encourage the sun to finally come out. Then again perhaps it will remain cold and disgusting just to spite me for saying that hahaa. Anyway I haven't bought 'beach party' yet as I already own a great orange neon polish from Misguided, which is the Mistaken orange nail splash that I briefly spoke about and was wearing in my April favourites video...

I actually got this polish free from with Cosmo last year which is amazing as they are usually £5 a pop and it's the best quality polish I own, mainly because it gives a fully matte coverage in one coat which is pretty rare if you ask me! Not only have I seen lots of big bloggers sporting the orange look, but also lots of celebs, particularly when I watched last weeks Made in Chelsea and saw Millie and Gabriella wearing them! I think it's just a really fun, summery and statement trend and I love it! Are you a fan?

In my absence from blogging I've  been to see Hunger Games at the cinema with my friend Matt, had a really fun night out at a cheesy retro club in Sheffield, watched my uni theatre company put on an amazing production of 'Peter Pan' and travelled to London to stay with my boyfriend for the weekend...We've just got back from seeing Avengers at the cinema which I loved. I do sometimes like to bring out my geeky side with comic book films! We're probably just going to have a nice night in now with Saturday night tv and a take away, nom nom.

Have a great Saturday night my lovelies!
Love Meg
Tuesday, 1 May 2012

OOTD- Sunday Salad

Hello Girlies!

It's a bit of a random outfit title today considering it's Tuesday, but I wanted to show you what I wore out for dinner with my friend Emily on Sunday, where I actually used my will power to order a salad instead of a roast, hence the last part of the title!

Faux fur coat- River Island
Top- River Island 
Cardigan- Primark
Jeans- Topshop
Boots- New Look
Necklace- River Island
Bangle- Craft fair
Ring- Boots
Bag- River Island
Nails- Misguided neon orange (post on that tomorrow!)

I think for casual meals out where you still want to look nice you can't go wrong with a good skinny jeans and casual heels combo. These are my favourite ever jeans as they are quite jeggin-ish (fully aware that isn't great English) so fit really well and are so comfy, but they are still jean-like (here I go again with my dazzling vocab...) enough to wear with short tops. I think the navy colour is pretty smart too and the shoe boots and fur coat really dress them up. The River Island top is another one of my favourites as it's just so pretty and I think the actual shape and style of it is so unusual.

I went for a salad at the meal because I'm trying to live a more healthy lifestyle at the moment by eating less processed food, more fruit, veg and protein and also by upping the amount of exercise I'm doing. I'd quite like to know if you guys would be interested in any posts or videos on the healthy lifestyle topic as it's something I really like to read about and watch on other peoples blogs and channels?

I've just got in from a good day at uni and now I'm building up to doing all the boring household tasks that I do miss my mummy doing for me hahaa ohh and I might go for a run, but then again it is rather rainy and cold like it has been for the past week...literally where has spring gone!?

I hope you've all had a great start to your May!
Love Meg
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