Thursday, 24 May 2012

Nail, eye and brow 'stressful time' treats...

Hello Lovelies,

Just another short and sweet post today as I'm in the thick of all my assessments and it's all I can really manage! Before I left for uni this morning an unexpected parcel arrived for me which was exciting in itself as I love getting post haha but the contents was really exciting too as my Mum and Dad (guessing it was mainly my mother though judging by what was inside!) had sent me some beauty treats to cheer me up during my stressful few weeks. As you can see I got union jack nails, L'oreal eye shadows and brow stencils...... 

I was so pleased with the brow stencils as I've wanted to try them in conjunction with my bareMinerals Brow Powder (post on that here- bareminerals) for ages and I also can't wait to put those funky nails on for the jubilee next week, I just hope they fit my little nail beds! But I'll let you know how I get on with everything soon I'm sure. Have you tried brow stencils, the eye shadows or Primark falsies?

I hope you've all had another great day in the sunshine, I was stuck inside at uni for most of it but still managed to catch a good few hours of rays in the park whilst drinking my new favourite summer treat- a Starbucks mocha light frappucchino, they are only meant to have like 80 calories and they are so yummy and refreshing :) 

Love from,

p.s See what I did there, God I'm inventive :P 


  1. I tried primark nails here: I was impressed considering the price! May have to get the union jack ones too!!

    1. Oh wow yeah they do look good considering the price! xxx

  2. Those nails are pretty cool! Your parents are sweet for sending you that. And mmm to the frappuccino- love those xx

    1. I know, they are literally the cutest! Glad I have a fellow frap fan haha xxx

  3. Aww your mum and dad are so sweet, i would have been dancing and singing with excitement if that came through the post with my name on. Really want to try the eye brow stencils, p.s I fancy a frappachino now :(

    Natalie xxx

    1. Yeah they are pretty sweet for this, definitely cheered me up! xxx

  4. I am incredibly jealous of those nails! The Jubilee has put me in such a patriotic mood so I'll definitely be picking those up!
    Your parents are adorable for that :) xx

    1. haha I know! I can't get enough of anything Jubilee related right now xxx

  5. Your parents are so sweet! And they're got pretty great taste -- I LOVE the union jack nails :))

    1. glad you like them, they're just from good old Primark if you wanted to try them out! xxx

  6. wow that drink looks amazing! your parents are so sweet sending you goodies in the post, just what you need to get you through the assessments :) Good luck with the rest of them :D The union jack nails are so cool!
    Love Holz oxo

    1. Thank you lovely and good luck with any uni stuff you've got on at the moment! xxx

  7. Aww your mum is so sweet, I only got a good luck card, could have done with some chocolate for the stress.

    Great blog by the way, I was wondering if you would like to follow each other? Check out my blog and let me know :)


    1. oh well a card is still really nice! I have checked out your blog and really like it so am following :) xxx

  8. I got that Frappucchino the other day! It's delicious! xx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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