Saturday, 12 May 2012

Cosmo Blog Awards 2012

Hello Lovelies!

I'm very sorry to bore you all with another Cosmo blog awards post when you've probably read loads, but I'll make it short and sweet I promise! So as most of you will  probably know it's that time of year again where nominations for the Cosmo blog awards 2012 have opened and it's time to go and nominate your favourite blogs. I know that my blog is incy wincy teeny weeny and probably doesn't stand a chance of being short listed, but as it's under a year old it does qualify for Next's Newcomer award and it would mean so much to me if even one of you enjoyed my blog enough to nominate me. All you have to do is click on the link below-
 and enter your email and my blog URL which is it's easy peasy!

Plus you get entered into a £500 prize draw just for nominating which is always good! I've already nominated my favourites and you can nominate as many blogs as you want for as many awards as you want so why not get involved!

I had the best day out with my uni friends yesterday in Salford watching the musical Avenue Q and also bumped into an old friend from school before the show who happened to be the female lead! How amazing is that! She was brilliant and also said she liked my blog which made me a very happy bunny :) Today we surprised my friend Laura with a birthday brunch which was really cute and now I'm just chilling out in front of the BGT final cheering on Pudsey because he's so adorable!

Have a lovely weekend!
Love Meg


  1. Ive nominated you sunshinee :) love your blog - and your youtube channel! xx

  2. aww thank youu gorgeous girl! I nominated you too :) xxx

  3. I nominated for you!! :) fingers crossed! I love your blog, and JUST found your youtube channel!! How have I not been subscribed! love it :)



Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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