Tuesday, 1 May 2012

OOTD- Sunday Salad

Hello Girlies!

It's a bit of a random outfit title today considering it's Tuesday, but I wanted to show you what I wore out for dinner with my friend Emily on Sunday, where I actually used my will power to order a salad instead of a roast, hence the last part of the title!

Faux fur coat- River Island
Top- River Island 
Cardigan- Primark
Jeans- Topshop
Boots- New Look
Necklace- River Island
Bangle- Craft fair
Ring- Boots
Bag- River Island
Nails- Misguided neon orange (post on that tomorrow!)

I think for casual meals out where you still want to look nice you can't go wrong with a good skinny jeans and casual heels combo. These are my favourite ever jeans as they are quite jeggin-ish (fully aware that isn't great English) so fit really well and are so comfy, but they are still jean-like (here I go again with my dazzling vocab...) enough to wear with short tops. I think the navy colour is pretty smart too and the shoe boots and fur coat really dress them up. The River Island top is another one of my favourites as it's just so pretty and I think the actual shape and style of it is so unusual.

I went for a salad at the meal because I'm trying to live a more healthy lifestyle at the moment by eating less processed food, more fruit, veg and protein and also by upping the amount of exercise I'm doing. I'd quite like to know if you guys would be interested in any posts or videos on the healthy lifestyle topic as it's something I really like to read about and watch on other peoples blogs and channels?

I've just got in from a good day at uni and now I'm building up to doing all the boring household tasks that I do miss my mummy doing for me hahaa ohh and I might go for a run, but then again it is rather rainy and cold like it has been for the past week...literally where has spring gone!?

I hope you've all had a great start to your May!
Love Meg


  1. You look gorgeous, you're so pretty! I just realised you do youtube videos too! x

  2. You top is so pretty Meg, love the print and the lace! I love this post title (: Hope you had a lovely meal out, meals out are the best!

  3. You look so pretty! Love the top. I'm a bit of a health and fitness freak to be honest. I go running every week, at least twice (when it's not raining) and I've started going swimmming. How far do you run? The hills in sheffield kill me!! haha. Xxx

  4. Lovely outfit - very cool!! The fur cardigan is just perfect. :) xx

  5. i agree, where has the spring weather gone?! hah, wow that is amazing will power ordering a salad over a roast! :)
    You look gorgeous Meg, love the faux fur and the boots, lovely :) xo

  6. You look gorgeous, my dear! I like your blouse and it looks fabulous with the fur!!


  7. thank you girls! such lovely comments :) and Faith I usually do work outs for an hour, half of which is cardio like running and the rest of which is toning stuff, but yes the hills in Sheffield kill me too! xxx

  8. You look lovely! :)

  9. that's a beautiful look, i'm trying to be more healthy too!

  10. You are so pretty not fair lol. Im trying to eat more healthy at the moment and exercise, I hate exercise though xxx


  11. Lovely outfit - I'm after some boots like that, they are gorgeous! xx

  12. You look so beautiful, I love this outfit!


  13. Love this outfit! You coat is gorgeous xx

  14. Absolutely love those boots, I've seen a couple of girls wearing them and think they're fab - are they this season?
    Also, would love to hear about healthy lifestyle - it's something I'm always meaning to do but exercise and healthy eating always falls to the bottom of the pile - especially at the moment when I'm revising, all I can think about is choccy biscuits!



    Ps, always enjoy reading your blog

  15. Gorgeous coat, really love your outfit xx


  16. thanks again lovelies! and B, I'm afraid they are last season, but perhaps they are still around in some places? xxx

  17. Great outfit, loving the blouse! Well done just ordering a salad, don't think I'd be able to resist a roast dinner!

    I've got a giveaway on my blog at the moment if you want to check it out?

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  18. Aw I love this outfit :) you're so pretty as well! So wish I had bought a fur jacket in the winter now, I need one really with all this awful weather! I like your writing style - weird compliment, but I won't question it... haha
    If you are going to go down a health and exercise route, I will definitely follow. I need motivation from somewhere, because i go through bursts of running regularly, then I stop and eat chocolate haha. #piglet

    Laura xxx


  19. thank you girls! and Laura that's such a lovely comment, so glad you like the way I write and I'll be starting the health and exercise posts soon! xxx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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