Monday, 30 April 2012

Video- April Favourites

Hello Lovelies!

Just a quick post to let you know about my new video, which is my April Favourites...pretty please give it a watch and subscribe if you're feeling extra lovely!

Here's what I talk about in case you wanted to know before you watch it-
TRESemme thermal recovery treatment masque 
St.Moriz dark tanning mousse
Nailene false nails in petite square
Elegant touch brush on nail glue
Misguided neon orange nail polish
Urban Decay Naked 2 eye shadow palette
Real techniques stippling brush
Revlon Colorburst lip butters
Bare Minerals brow powder

As always comments and requests are greatly appreciated and please do link me any April favourite posts or videos you've done as I love reading and watching them!

I had a lovely weekend mainly catching up with friends, but now have a night of model making for my set design module least I can catch up with some tele as I do it! oh the joys of my degree hahaa

Have a fab night guys!
Love Meg


  1. love your blog always find stuff worth buying when i watch and read on here haha! i was wondering if you havent already could you do a daily make-up routine video?:) would love to see it :) xxx

  2. Your "about me" is cute! I feel like we're very similar :) Love your blog girlie.

  3. aww thanks girls! and I shall put daily make up routine on the list of videos to do and get round to it asap! xxx

  4. Hi lovely,
    thanks for sharing;)
    I just found your's so cute!!
    Would you like to follow each other?
    I'm starting and I'm following now on Google Friends Connect:)
    I hope you like my blog too!
    Have a great day:)
    Fashion tea at 5

  5. Ahh loved this video lovely! You look gorgeous! I love that Tresmee stuff too! Xx.


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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