Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Giveaway from prettygirlrich

Good Morning Girlies!

I just wanted to do a quick little blog post this morning to let you know about an amazing give away that the lovely Ashleigh is doing over at prettygirlrich, where you can win a Benefit mascara, Benefit eye liner and MAC lipstick of your choice... 

It's an amazing blog and an amazing give away so if you want to check it out you can do so here-

I'll be back later today with my first youtube video hopefully (providing I figure out how to upload it!), which I think will be my top spring make up picks, so I'm off now to go and get ready to make that! Please do check it out if you can as I'm rather nervous about actually putting myself up on the big wide world of youtube...

Have a lovely day everyone!
Love Meg

 p.s My good uni friend Rosie has just started her own fashion/beauty blog which you can find here- therunwayrose and it would mean a lot to her and me if you could check that out too! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks doll ! looking forward to seeing your youtube vid! xoxo


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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