Wednesday, 11 April 2012

How to: Minnie Mouse Nail Art

Hey lovelies!

In my Bourjois post yesterday I said that I'd spent a large part of the afternoon painting my nails and the reason it took so long is because I was having a go at creating Minnie Mouse inspired dotty nail art. I'm so happy I tried this out as I absolutely love the overall result and think it's a really cute, girly nail look for spring and summer. Here's how I created it...  

 I started by doing two base coat layers of Barry M's 'bright pink'. I went for this shade as I thought the white dots would stand out really nicely against it (and because I'ma girly girl that can't get enough of Barbie pink obvs), but you could also use bright red or baby pink for Minnie Mouse nails. My lovely friend Faye from fayesfix always has really cool dotty nails so I followed her advice and used a bobby pin/curby grip dipped in my Natural Collection's nail tip whitener to create the dots (a tip which she got from gemfatale I think, who is like the goddess of nail art!). This is a little tricky at first because it's a bit hard to get the dots all the same size, but you do get the hang of it after a few messy attempts! As you can see the bobby pin gets rather messy too, but it's a far cheaper and easier way of creating dots than using an actual dotting tool! and I'm hoping these nails won't take me so long next time now I've had a bit of practise, I think I'll try creating Daisys using the dotting method next...

What do you think of my Minnie Mouse inspired nails? Have you got any easy and cheap nail art tips?

I've a very fun, but emotional day watching Titanic 3D with the girls and now I'm going to have a nice evening round my boyfriend's house which hopefully involves less crying! 

Hope you're all having a great week!
Love Meg


  1. these look lush! really professional! xx

  2. They look so good and neat! I want to try this but I'm awful at nail art :(
    Claudia xxx

  3. SUCH a good idea to use the bobby pin! Defs going to try this soon :) Love your dotty nails :) xx

  4. Aww thanks for the mention lovely :) these look aaaaamazing, love the big sized dots :) xx

  5. This is so cute! And it doesn't look too hard either - bonus! :) xx

  6. These are gorgeous! if only i had long nails to do that:( X

  7. that is so cute and looks relatively easy too

  8. They look so good!I attempted this but it didn't go well, may give it another go with your bobby pin idea. Sam xx

  9. yes definitely all try this with the bobby pin tip, they are pretty easy and very effective once you get the hang, thanks for all the nice comments! xxx

  10. These look so good! I usually just cut a cocktail stick in half, file it so it's smooth and use that to dot :) so difficult getting dots the same size though! xxx

  11. Love these, they are too cute! :)

  12. They look wicked!
    I've just uploaded a post about Newspaper Nail Art, take a look! xxxx

  13. Wow these look so good and you made it sound so easy. Will be trying this out ASAP. x

  14. This is soo cute, I love it! :D Will have to try this now! x


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