Wednesday, 12 December 2012

My 21st: The Presents

Hello Lovelies!

Today I thought I'd finally get round to showing you what presents I got for my 21st Birthday, I've already shown you my outfit but thought you might like to see the new beauty bits and other things I was so lucky to receive from my amazing family, friends and boyfriend. It's going to be a picture heavy post as I didn't think a long list of things would be very interesting so I do hope you enjoy having a nose... 

So as you can see I was a very lucky girl and must say I felt really spoilt! Particularly as my boyfriend got me a beautiful Tiffany bracelet (Audrey Hepburn eat your heart out) which has now pretty much become glued to my wrist and my parents actually got me 21 presents including lots of make up that's only available in America (Just have a look at all those peachy lip products in picture 3!). I was also very excited to get given a new Cath Kidston make up bag, some Origins skincare, Victoria's Secret undies and the Enrapture Encode Totem Styler. The Styler was my main present from my house mates and I can't wait to try it out as I used my friend's set to do my hair on my birthday night out and the curls were so easy to create and lasted such a long time. My beautiful cake, pink balloons and of course my One Direction bag were the cherries on top of such wonderful gifts and an overall amazing Birthday, please can I be 21 again next year?

  I have done a 'Birthday Haul' type video where I go into more detail on all the things I got which I will hopefully be uploading soon, but do let me know if there are things in the pictures that you want reviews of and I'll do my best to get round to doing them. I best be off now though as we're having our house Christmas dinner tonight so I need to go and peel some spuds or something cooky like that! I hope you're all having a great week!

Love Meg


  1. Wow that is amaizng gifts... I hope you had a great day

  2. That Tiffany's bracelet is gorgeous! Hope you had a lovely day x

  3. Looks like you had a fabulous bday Meg - lovey pressies! x

  4. I wish you a happy belated birthday!

    No way, so you also fancy 1D? Well, I totally fell for Zayn haha.
    Met them about 1-2 weeks ago. :)

    Love the stuff you got! Victoria's Secret and Tiffany - do I have to say more?

  5. wow! It looks like your were treated like a princess! I hope you had a lovely birthday xx

  6. AMAZING gifts!! ♥ Love the Tiffany box :)


  7. Hope you had a great birthday you got some lovely pressies :D

  8. Eee sounds like an amazing day, just look at all of that! Hope you had a fabulous time :-) xxx

  9. I hope you had a lovely birthday! And you got some amazing gifts - Tiffany's and Victoria's Secret - lucky lady! :-)


  10. lol. Yes, Audrey Hepburn can so eat her heart out. Lovely bracelet. You are certainly a lucky girl.
    Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Clothes for Less

  11. You got some lovely presents! The Tiffany bracelet is gorgeous :)


  12. It looks like you had some lovely things, I love the Tiffany bracelet so much!! So pleased you had such a wonderful birthday :)
    Love Holly x

  13. Gorgeous!
    Would you like to follow each other? (: Come follow me and I’ll follow back for sure !

  14. You lucky girl, so jealous of your Tiffany's bracelet! Looking forward to the video xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  15. Wow looks like your had an incredible birthday Meg! That cake looks so cute (and tasty haha :)!) and your Tiffany bracelet is so sweet!

    Robyn Mayday

  16. WOW, amazing presents!

    I like your blog! Would you like to follow each other? :) I'm following you now on GFC!
    Let's stay in touch :)

  17. Wow, you got spoiled! Happy belated birthday! x

  18. You have so many wonderful presents, I love hauls like these, im a bit nosy lol ;):) I like all the makeup stuff you got and the 1direction gift bag :D xx

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