Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Meg’s Musings | Bored of the ‘blogger eye roll’

Over the past few months bloggers and vloggers have achieved some truly incredible things; book deals, magazine shoots and makeup lines to name but a few, however they’ve also received some pretty harsh criticism. But it’s not even the big articles that really worry me (the press will always hop on the latest ‘story’), it’s the eye roll that so many people now do when the word ‘blogger’ is mentioned. Even some family and friends, who know very little of this crazy online world that we’re a part of, are starting to take ‘blogger’ as another word for ‘makeup fan who got lucky and now gets free stuff’. The truth is there is so so much more to it than that. Zoella and Tanya Burr I most certainly am not and never will be, but blogging has still changed my life in the best possible way. It’s for that reason I wanted to bring blogger conversation back down from the pound signs and public appearances to why blogging is such an amazing thing for girls and guys to be doing in their spare time no matter how ‘big’ their platforms become.

I decided to start what was then called ‘Meg’s Budget Boutique’, because it was the Summer after my first year of uni and (let’s be honest) I had too much time on my hands and not enough self-control in Boots, so wanted to do something productive about those predicaments. Some people spend their time playing sport or creating music and the hobby of beauty/fashion blogging is no less wholesome. In fact it combines writing, reading, photography, videography, computing, and design as well as some cracking makeup application and fashion styling. Considering other hobbies are so heavily encouraged, it is baffling when people complain that ‘everybody and their dog’ now has a blog and are annoyed by people ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ when it’s such a positive wagon to be part of!  

Blogging should first and foremost be fun, but you do happen to pick up some excellent skills along the way which far surpass the amount gained jumping through hoops for certain qualifications. By setting up a blog/YouTube channel, creating content for it, running all the additional social channels that go alongside it and liaising with PR’s/other bloggers, you develop not only the obvious things like English, photography and social media skills, but also serious dedication, organisation, time management and business relations. It’s hard work, especially when you balance it with a degree or full time job, which is why getting those blog posts and videos up is no mean feat and luck can only get you so far.

You start a blog to share your passions with likeminded people, but for many it also leads to dream jobs in a way qualifications alone never could. Obviously there are now many people who can turn to blogging full time and instead of people giving them jip for not having a ‘real job’, their risk taking and entrepreneurial talent needs to be admired and celebrated. Then there are the much lower profile cases like my own, where my blog and other social channels not only made me realise exactly what I wanted to do in life but also helped to secure work experience, then an internship and finally my current role as Social Media Coordinator for feelunique which I absolutely adore. So many girls can now go into roles previously inaccessible to them thanks to blogging and that is bloomin’ marvellous news.

As a former theatre student, I’ve never exactly been a shy and retiring wall flower, but I did struggle to stand up for myself when it came to comments from the classic mean girls in life and have always had inhibitions about my girly voice and crazy hair. Then blogging came along and that completely changed. Of course there’s always going to be some ridiculous trolls, but the support and love you get from day one as a blogger from other young girls is totally heart warming and enough to get you over the biggest personal struggles. You also end up going to events across the country alone, which makes you one seriously social cookie, no longer afraid of mingling and being first to Instagram the cupcake stand.  
Pretty much every blogger will walk into those aforementioned events and come out with a list of Twitter handles or numbers that eventually turn into real life friends. I have met the most wonderful people through blogging and was lucky enough to have tea and cake with a lot of them last year- there's even a whole weekend put aside in my diary so I can go and stay with Kayleigh later this month. People have asked before why bloggers help each other, because surely they are rivals, but the brilliant thing about bloggers is that they’re stronger together and have created a really amazing community, which I for one am so proud to be a tiny little part of. 


  1. Amazing post, Meg! :) I'm happy someone has outlined the positive points about blogging rather than the negative, as negativity about blogging seems to be the main topic lately!


  2. Everything about this post, yess! I hate when people assume bloggers see other bloggers as rivals, as I have met some of my bestest friends through blogging!

    Sophie x

  3. There are so many positives about blogging - it's literally changed my world and even though sometimes I feel like pressing delete, I can't think what I would be without it anymore! The blog community is amazing - to think that a few years ago this didn't even exist at all! I've made some wonderful, kind and generous friends through blogging who have certainly made the journey easier and happier. Nobody understands bloggers like bloggers do.

  4. Such a lovely post! X


  5. It's nice to remind yourself of the perks! I agree it's a great hobby and has really boosted my confidence in myself x

    Through New Eyes | Beauty Blog

  6. This is such a positive read and so true too! Personally I've had nothing but brilliant wonderful interactions with other bloggers who are always only too happy to help. There is 100% room for everyone and their own little quirks and niches in the blogging sphere and that may be my favourite thing about it.



  7. Great post Meg :) Blogging is such a brilliant thing to do. I'd much rather use my spare time to do something productive that will help me in future instead of just wasting it on Netflix (although, I still do that as well!). Blogging helped me gain my internship at Disney Channel and will definitely help me to secure a job which I love after I graduate this Summer xx

    Lipgloss & Lashes

  8. Absolutely adore this post, I couldn't have said it better myself!

  9. Love this! It's a shame that there's been some negative backlash about bloggers in the media lately, because we're capable of doing so many neat things. I think I learn something new each day from blogging, which can't be said of a lot of other hobbies! http://theblondechiffon.com

  10. I think it's all to do with it being a new industry, and people don't fully understand it until they take part!


  11. Absolutely over the moon to read this post Meg, it's so nice to somebody to bring some positivity back to the blogging community. Luckily I've yet to encounter any negativity surrounding my blog but I've never actually shared the reason I started blogging.. until now (I hope you don't mind). In early 2014 I split up with my boyfriend (of nearly 5 years), I was obviously heart broken & my confidence and self-esteem hit an all time low (this wasn't helped when I found out he had a new girlfriend either). I'd been reading blogs & watching YouTube videos for a while and I decided out of the blue to start my own blog. Blogging has really helped me to be happy again, and I'm slowly building my confidence up along the way (mainly thanks to so many lovely bloggers who always make the time to chat, including you Meg). So yes you could say blogging has made a huge difference to me :) (so sorry for the ramble) xx
    Natasha Paris x

  12. I totally agree with you, its so crazy that such a positive thing is met with such negative comments which come from people who know little about this community. Great post :)


  13. Lovely post- I've always stood by how great a hobby is to have. Its amazing that its led to your career xx

  14. This is absolutely a great post. My blog is so quiet in comparison to many other bloggers, reading the negativity surrounding a blogger makes me kind of happy it is in a way. Bloggers like Zoe and Tanya haven't had things handed on a plate to them, they've worked hard to achieve their success and put their personal lives out there in doing so. They deserve every success and anyone who works hard does too. Whether they helps you get a career, a book deal or a contract of some sort. Xx

    Kate | A British Sparkle

  15. Amen. I blog for a hobby and have only been doing for 2 weeks but I could not agree more about skill. I've already learnt loads! I think everyone under estimates the I.T skills involved too...

  16. Very refreshing to read this! Totally agree with you, there are so many positives to blogging people seem to gloss over! :)
    Maeve // Thrift O'Clock

  17. Every word is true. I am even lower on the blogging scale yet the positives and happiness it gives me is just like you mention. I have developed so many skills and maybe a few true friends and lots of online ones. Great post and good on your for bringing it back to what it is all about. Have fun with Kayleigh she is such a lovely girl xx

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I love reading your blog, it gives me so much inspiration! :) xx


  20. This is so sweet, your posts are amazing Meg. Love you! xxx

    Love Charlotte xxx

  21. This is a brilliant post Meg, I'm so tired of all the eye rolls and people thinking I'm an endless supply of freebie makeup. They never realise just how much effort it takes to run one of these things!

    Megan xo
    Thumbelina Lillie | UK Beauty & Fashion Blog

  22. Great post! I think blogging is one of those things that people can bitch about simply because they don't understand it. I'm so happy to be part of it and it's made so many positive changes to my life, even if they are small xx

    Ramblings of a Beauty Bird | Beauty Blog

  23. omg Meg I agree so much with everything you've said ! This is important to remind people sometime that blogging is also something serious and that it is made by passionate people that want to share with the world . Thanks for that :)


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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