Thursday, 8 January 2015

Hello 2015

Apologies that I’ve been a bit MIA this week compared to my daily vlogmas posts, but the New Year has got off to a literally flying start and I should have some very exciting news to report soon! I haven’t even had time to sit down and write my annual New Years post yet, so I thought I’d best do that now. Instead of making a great list of things to achieve this year like I usually do, I’ve come up with five things I’d just really like to work on in 2015.

GET SORTED // I have to confess I’m not exactly a tidy lass (much to my mum’s/boyfriend’s dismay) and this sometimes gets me into a bit of a muddle both in real life and technology wise, so I want to work on being a bit more organised- tidying, sorting and labelling as I go!
NICE NAILS // My New Year resolution for the past 10 years or so has been to stop nibbling at my nails. It gets worse when I’m nervous but with no more exams in my life and an excessive nail polish collection to my name, this IS the year my mani looks marvellous at all times.
ENERGISE // With the traveling (and socialising) I tend to do, as well as job/blog juggling, I struggle quite a bit with getting rather run down. So instead of turning to eye drops and coffee I’m going to pay a lot more attention to the most important things in feeling and looking good- sleep, water and exercise!
BE A FOODY // Another thing I was guilty of in 2014 is not paying enough attention to food. I do love my food, but I don’t always make time for it or plan ahead enough, so once I’m in my flat with Dave (eeeek!) I want to be cooking nutritious meals, always eating breakfast and preplanning my lunches.
EXPLORE MORE // I managed to get away to Barcelona last year before I started my new job, but I’d really like to plant my feet on more unfamiliar soils over the next 12 months. Not just abroad for big holidays, but also visiting my country wide blogger babes and driving off for weekend escapes.

What are your resolutions for 2015? I hope you’re all having a great New Year so far!


  1. You've pretty much wrote a list of what I want to work on this year too! :')
    good luck with it & happy new year!! :)

  2. I always love reading these posts, I'm definitely with you on the explore moire :) So excited for you with your new flat, can't wait to see some photos :)
    Love Holly x

  3. I'm with you on the nail biting thing, my habit is terrible my nails are so painful! Good luck with energise, think you'll probably notice the effects of this one almost immediately.

  4. I'm trying to grow out my nails, avoid biting them and using strengthening products, because I find even when they do grow out they break quite quickly.

  5. My resolutions are to be bolder, more confident and go and get a bit of work experience and join a choir/theatre group. I need to build my confidence. That's my main goal for 2015. I like your list, Meg! Keep up the awesome blogs and vids! :) xx

  6. I love setting little goals to try and achieve throughout the year. One of these is so apt for me, I grew my nails for ages and they looked so pretty and then I started biting them again and I've not had nice nails since :-( I am going to try this one!

    Amanda / Amanda's Escape

  7. Fab resolutions, I completely agree with the organisation resolution as I am exactly the same :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

  8. Beautiful goals. I want to be a bit more of a ‘foodie’. It’s nice to eat healthy and for me I want to try this too including healthy snacking. I love the one about painting nails, it always makes me feel more together when I have freshly painted nails! Hope you have a fab year! :-) xx

    Helen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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