Thursday, 15 January 2015

The Beauty Bucket List

Any normal human would take one look at my beauty boxes and think I have enough lotions, potions and powders to last a lifetime. But any blogger would know this is crazy talk; cue unveiling of ‘The Beauty Bucket List’- those pesky products I’ve wanted in my life for such a long time and vow to own by the end of the year (or month)…

Tarte The Sculptor // In the Kardashian dominated world that we live in, it’s pretty hard to resist products that promise to sculpt those cheekbones and I think Tarte’s crayon offering will be the perfect way to up my kontouring game. Get it?
Charlotte Tilbury // As much as I adore this cute kiss print bag, it’s acting as a symbol here for all the CT goodness I want to have in my collection asap. If it’s good enough for Mrs Clooney at the Golden Globes, it’s good enough for me.
Nars Sheer Glow // This cult favourite has been on my wishlist for an absolute age. With it’s satin finish and amazing coverage, I’m convinced it will be my holy grail foundation. I just need to man up and part with quite a few of my pennies for it.
Dior Lip Glow // With Spring looming (incredibly optimistic there) I will soon be saying goodbye to my vampy matte lips for another year and this gorgeous glowy balm from Dior will be perfect for next season’s more fresh faced minimal makeup days.
Lorac Pro Palette // Blame Vivianna for this one. It was her favourite eye offering of 2014 and who am I to argue with that? The shades look amazing and dare I say it, this would make a nice change from getting naked for the millionth year running.
Aesop Parsley Seed Mask // I ticked a lot of items off my skincare wishlist last year, but am still yet to try anything from Aesop. Lately though I’ve been suffering with hormonal spots (#lovegirlproblems) and have been told this will sort them out in no time.
OPI Nail Envy // My main 2015 beauty resolution was not only to stop biting my nails, but get them in great condition. After many a year of nail nibbling this is no mean feat, but getting some best in the business gloop on them is sure to help!

What’s on your ‘Beauty Bucket List’?


  1. The foundation, lipstick and palette is on my wishlist too! Although I think I like the lorac pro 2 palette more! X

  2. The Tarte sculpting stick looks interesting - smashbox are apparently coming out with something similar x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

  3. Would you say the Nars Sheer Glow Foundation has a shade suitable for alabaster skintone? I would go and check it out at a counter, but unfortunately the nearest one to me is a few hours away :(

    Penny x

  4. The Lorac is definitely something worth picking up! You can use it every single day and the quality is amazing.

  5. OMG, I've been wanting Nars Sheer Glow for so long! I can't find my shade online :( x


  6. Some great choices. I can vouch for Nars Sheer Glow, it's absolutely my HG (along with Laura Mercier Silk Creme). I ran out a couple of weeks ago and have just replenished stocks - it's like having brand new skin!
    Had my eye on that Lorac palette for ages, too, but Smashbox have also got some amazing ones.

    Mel x

  7. really want to try out that face mask too, heard so many good things about it!


  8. You need to try the Dior Glow, it's the best thing ever!
    Maddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD

  9. I LOVE Aesop and managed to get the hand cream for work. The one thing that I spend money on is good hand cream - being a nurse that is important! Great post :D


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