Tuesday, 21 February 2012

OOTD- Leather hotpants and Peter Pan

Happy pancake day everyone!

Today I thought I'd show you one of my favourite outfits of the moment starring two of my favourite fashion trends of the moment- peter pan collars and faux leather. I wore this outfit last Saturday when I was at home in the day and out in the evening as it's perfect for both day and night. If I was off clubbing I'd probably just whip the tights off, shove some killer heels on and boom, party clothing sorted!

Top- New Look
Shorts- Ebay
Tights- Primark
Shoes- New Look
Bracelets- Links of London and Pandora
Earrings- Topshop

The shorts are the newest addition to my wardrobe, I've been on the look out for a pair of leather hot pants for ages and after finding nothing on the high street I turned to my beloved trusty ebay and viola- a pair of perfectly fitting faux leather shorts for only £14! I love leather look clothing as it gives more girly items a bit of an edge and makes a statement all on its own. I'm very excited now as I know faux leather is going to be big this spring, so I'll definitely be on the look out for some perfect leather look leggings and maybe a leather jacket or skirt... I got the top last year and it's been one of my favourite New Look finds ever, as I love the bold print and can't get enough of its big peter pan collar and ribbon tie (I'm literally a sucker for anything with a collar at the moment!). I also don't really own anything red so its nice to branch out from the more neutral shades I tend to go for.

What do you think of my look? Are you loving Peter pan collars or faux leather at the moment?

I need to go and get ready now as I'm off to the theatre to see a play called 'Way of the Worlds' tonight, I feel all cultured just thinking about it! But to be honest I'm more looking forward to eating pancakes with my friend Sam afterwards haha! 

I hope you all have yummy pancake filled nights!
Love Meg


  1. This outfit looks lovely :)

    Laura xoxo

  2. Love this outfit! I made the mistake of getting nude coloured leather shorts, black would have gone with so much more! x

  3. Beautiful outfit. Really love this look on you. This shirt in particular would go with so many things xx

  4. Very pretty. I love the print of the blouse. :)

  5. Myyy what big eyes you have! Jealoussss <3
    Those shorts look HAWT on you, i really want some but a bit baggier so they look more slouchy with a jumper tucked in and a belt, if you know what i'm getting at?! hahaa
    That lip colour really suits you too, ok i'll stop talking now, this comment's getting too long ;) haha


  6. The portrait is incredibly beautiful. I like your hotpants!!


  7. Love this look! The shorts are really flattering x

  8. just stumbled across your blog.. totally love it so far! this outfit is so adorable, I love the peter pan collar and hotpants! The print on the blouse is different and really cool


  9. I love peter pan collars too, this outfit is super cute, and can totally see it all glamed up for an evening out. I love fuax leather shorts too,really cool look and edge up any outfit.
    You look gorgeous, hope you had a fab night at the theatre.

    Thanks so much for your very lovely comment :)

  10. great look!and ur hairstyle is awesome!
    u have a very nice blog,
    i would love u to take a look at mine and follow if u like it ;)
    kisses from Spain,

  11. I love your outfit so much! :) xx

  12. Hope the pancakes were yummy :)

    I love your hair btw. Suits you zoo well!! I wish i could pull off short hair but i have such a fat head haha!!

    Great outfit!!

    Luc X


  13. Ooh i love the shorts, very daring but you make it look super cute :) xox


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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