Sunday, 18 August 2013

Maxing it up: The Primark Summer Staples

Primark Neppy Tee / Primark Maxi Skirt / Primark Collar Necklace / New Look Belt / New Look Bracelet / Dorothy Perkins Ring / New Look Sandals / Topshop Sunglasses

Just a quick Sunday post from me today ladies as I'm still on my little weekend away with the boy in London but I've got a bit of time whiles he's out for a run so I thought I'd show you a couple of new summer staples I've recently got from our beloved Primarni. Until a couple of weeks ago I avoided maxi skirts like the plague. Being a definite shorty at only 5"3 I thought they'd swamp me and my little legs so I resigned myself to simply looking on with envy while all the taller girls walked around in gorgeous maxi skirts and dresses. However, after seeing how great other small girls looked in there maxis, realising how versatile they are and spotting this £10 black bargain in Primark I thought 'what they hey!' and ran with it to the till. I did have to get the smallest size and use a belt to make sure it doesn't drag on the ground too much but I totally love it. It hides all sorts of 'I've eaten too much ice cream' sins and nips me in at the smallest part of my frame making this one super flattering piece of clothing. As it's so high wasted I usually pair it with a crop top (how surprising) but as I had these photos taken after work I'd actually put it with two of my other Primark summer staples- the cream neppy tee and aztec collar necklace- for a slightly smarter but still laid back feel which was livened up by the chunky accessories. I believe these both came in at a bargain £4 and I pair them with different things all the time so they were great little buys. Oh Primark, you have been good to me this Summer! There will be a nice snap happy lifestyle post coming tomorrow or Tuesday about my weekend but it's been really lovely and I hope yours has been too!

What are your Primark Summer Staples?


  1. I absolutely love maxi skirts they are so versatile and can be dressed up or down. I love the way you've styled this outfit, you look lovely
    Amy xx

  2. So lovely! Adore the skirt :)

  3. I love the skirt, you look amazing in it. Hope you're enjoying your weekend away :)

    Water Painted Dreams

  4. I'm loving Primark this year, they have so many staples!
    Who needs topshop anymore ;)

    Your hair looks amazing btw, i love the ombre on you x

  5. I literally live in maxi dresses/skirts all summer. Looks lovely :)
    Nat xx

  6. i bought this skirt just before my holiday, i basically barely take it off! haha! i love it! i really love these neppy tops, they seem to be everywhere right now! youre hair is looking lovely too! :)
    kelly xxx

  7. love this simple look and the way you work around with basics <3

    Check out my latest outfit post on blog! :)

  8. You look great! Primark is such a bargain! X

  9. I have this skirt - I think everyone needs one, perfect for those days when it's warmer but I'm too lazy to shave my gorilla legs! Haha!Xx

    Lucy Cole | A UK Fashion, Style and Beauty Blog

  10. You look amazing :) Love the skirt!

    Pipp x

  11. You look gorgeous! My new favourite primark item is definitely a Zara-esque bag! xx

  12. You look stunning, the maxi skirt really suits you :) I have the opposite problem and can never find one that's quite long enough for me...I end up with the ankle swingers look which really isn't good haha :P
    Love Holly x


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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