Monday 12 August 2013

The Boutique joins Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest!

Last Friday something very exciting happened. I finally upgraded my stupid crashberry for a shiny white iPhone 5! I was so excited by all the new apps I could have (I'm sure my friends will soon be bored of my snapchats and my fingers will be bored of playing Candy Crush), but the first one I headed for was obviously Instagram. I love it so much already and have spent all weekend snapping and filming bits and bobs from my life. My page will probably consist of outfits, make up, nails, friends, food, cats and my travels so if you like those sorts of things I'd love it if you could please follow me HERE or there is an icon in the side bar. As I'm new to it it'll be a great way of me finding all of you lovely bloggers too! For some reason expanding the Budget Boutique onto Instagram made me want to take it to other social media platforms too so today I've made a Facebook page and joined Pinterest. I'll be posting extra beauty tips, product recommendations and photos on my Facebook page so it'd be amazing if you liked/shared it HERE. Then on my Pinterest I've made boards of my personal style and inspirations as well as girl crushes and man loves so I'm hoping there will be images everyone loves, if you think you might like them then pretty please follow my Pinterest boards HERE. This may seem like a 'follow me, follow me blah blah' post but I really want to connect with you too so please do leave links of any social media platforms you have below so I can check them out! On a side note if you already follow me on Twitter, my handle has now changed to @MegsBBoutique so please don't use @MegGunn_ anymore as it won't work, boooooo.

Oh and I'm also only one GFC follower away from the big 1000 and have a big old giveaway planned for when I hit it so I'd love you forever if you decide to get me to that milestone today...

And whilst I'm talking about Budget Boutique expansion I'll also mention that I have a whole load of pages planned to go up this week including advertising starting from £2 and a HUGE blog sale with some very lovely stuff. Stay tuned.

Are there any other iPhone apps or social media platforms you recommend I join?


  1. Gorgeous case! Pinterest is so so addictive, I can never get off it! Oh and congrats on hitting your 1000 GFC :)

    Belle x
    Mascara & Maltesers

  2. Aww I love the case and how you have matching wall paper too so cute! Making the most of it already! :)

    Pipp xx

  3. Meg where did you get your iphone cover from? Is it a cover or vinyl? Thanks.

  4. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time! Yay!

  5. I'd love to know where you got your cover from? It's gorge!!

    Beyond Bally.


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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