Saturday, 9 February 2013

Save or Splurge on Undereye Concealer: Maybelline Versus YSL

Hello Lovelies!

As you know my blog is of the budget variety so I love nothing more than a good drugstore find, however I can't help but get sucked in to trying out some luxurious high end products too, but the question is... is the price tag worth it? This is a question I thought I'd answer today by comparing the Boots bargain Maybelline Dream Lumi Touch Highlighting concealer with the heavenly high end cult favourite, the Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat. Both claim to be amazing highlighting under eye concealers, but which one will come out on top...

Price- The YSL Touche Eclat comes in at a very pricey £25 from make up counters, whereas Maybelline's dupe is a mere fraction of the price at £6.99 from Boots or Superdrug. RESULT: SAVE
Packaging- You can call me superficial but I defy any girl not to be drawn in by the classy and luxe gold metal packaging of the Touche Eclat, which I'm afraid triumphs over the plastic Lumi Touch although bravo to Maybelline for still keeping it simple and classic. RESULT: SPLURGE 
Application- You can see from the photo of the brushes how similar the applicators are but I do actually find the Maybelline one easier to work with as it's slightly shorter and flater so the perfect size and shape for the under eye area. RESULT: SAVE
Shade- I was given the YSL concealer as a gift hence why the shade seems very light compared to the other swatch, however good old Yves does offer ten shades that cater for very dark to pale skin tones in comparison to Maybelline's three which would not suit every complexion. RESULT: SPLURGE
Formula- If I'm honest both products have a lovely creamy and blendable formula so I can't really choose a winner in this category, I'm a cop out I know! RESULT: TIE
Coverage- Being such an expensive high end gift I really have tried to convince myself that the YSL one is better for this so I want to use it, but it just doesn't offer anywhere near the same level of coverage that the Maybelline one does, which manages to cover up those annoying dark circles in a matter of seconds. RESULT: SAVE
Illumination- I found the Touche Eclat to be very disappointing in this area too and had to add some other concealer on top for a highlight, however the Lumi Touch is literally an illuminating dream, making my eyes look awake and sparkly (no Edward Cullen style glitter necessary). RESULT: SAVE
Longevity- Because the Lumi Touch has greater coverage and illumination it's no wonder that it hides my pesky circles away for the whole day and a whole lot longer than the touch eclat, which I found needed reapplication throughout the day to prevent me from looking like a zombie. RESULT: SAVE

WINNER- Save with the Maybelline Dream Lumi Touch Highlighting Concealer! 
At an incredibly reasonable £7 for product that lasted me almost a year this has to be one of my holy grail items. The difference it makes to my under eyes and brow bones (and where ever else you fancy putting it) is ridiculous and transforms my face from looking like a Shaun of the Dead extra to a bright eyed bambi (apologies for my bizarre phrasing today). In contrast I found the YSL Touche Eclat to be disappointing and certainly not worth all that dollar, which just goes to show more money doesn't always mean more effective. 
Have you tried either of these products or if not, what do you use to tackle those under eye circles?

Today I'm having a chill out until the final performance of 'Hansel and Gretel' and 'The Steadfast Tin Soldier' tonight. It's been an amazing run and made me realise how much I'm going to miss doing student theatre once          I graduate! On a happier more exciting note I'm going to start doing some vlogging today as I'm nearing 1000 subscribers on my youtube channel now (it's here if you want to take a peek) and I feel like I want to move into showing you some more about my personal life and things I get up to along side all the beauty stuff. So please let me know if you'd be interested in seeing monthly 'life highlight' type videos, as I think that's where I'm going to start because I have quite a few exciting things happening in February that I'd love to share with you. In the mean time though have a wonderful weekend!

Love Meg


  1. I love the maybelline concealer I think it is brilliant! Such a bargain but I do wish that there was a bigger shade selection!
    I also like the benefit erase paste and the l'oreal lumi magique highlighting pen! :) xxx

  2. I LOVE this post!! I have been wondering since xmas if I should splurge on the YSL Touche Eclate but this has made my mind up for sure!! Such a helpful blog post, thanks girly!! <3

    good luck on your final performance tonight!

    LoveFaye xoxo

  3. I need to buy this! I always wonder what's better in this area. Good to know :)

  4. The Maybelline concealer is my absolute fave :)


  5. I need to try the Maybelline one although the YSL one looks Aaamazing!! xxx

  6. I loooove your posts like this comparing two similar products! :)
    I have never tried either but heard so much about the maybelline concealer, might have to give it a go if it is as good as people say!


  7. Really nice post! I haven't tried either of this products.

    Kimberley x

  8. It's so good when you can save money and still get as good of a result! Might have to purchase this some time soon!Xx

  9. Ive been considering purchasing the Lumi Touch concealer but wasn't sure whether it was worth it, great post :)

  10. so glad I saw this post, I have the Maybelline and was always wondering how it would compare to the YSL and whether I'd need that one too! x

  11. I think the YSL is not so good at concealer isn't a concealer. I love my touche ecalt but it's doesn't completely disguise dark circles and doesn't claim to :) May check out the maybelline concealer!

  12. That's amazing that the maybelline one came out better, I've been considering a YSL touché éclat for ages but I'm currently using the l'oreal limit magique one and really enjoying that so maybe I won't worry! Xx

  13. I really want to try the maybelline one now, I haven't actually heard much about it before but it sounds brilliant! I do really struggle with black under eye circles so hopefully this will help :)
    Bright eyed bambi absolutely cracked me up hehe :D
    Well done on nearly 1000 youtube subscribers thats amazing! I love your videos and would definitely love some more personal/lifey ones :)
    Love Holly x

  14. It looks like I'm going to have to pick up the Maybelline one then, I do love th YSL packaging though xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  15. Just to let you know that you can get the Maybelline lumi touch off fragrance direct for £2.99!! Even better xx

  16. I bought this from Xtras Online from your recommendations! It's only £2.99 on there :) and its great! thanks xx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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