Thursday, 28 February 2013

February in Pictures

Hello Lovelies!

So here we are at the last day of February and as always I'm going to end the blogging month with a nice round up of photos from the last few weeks. Even though this month has been a very short one I've managed to fit quite a lot of exciting stuff into it and yes that is Cheryl Cole centre of the centre (not that I'm bragging or anything hehe)...

Pop Tarts Night Out | Lucky Girl | Yummiest Desert | Valentines Cupcakes | Girls Aloud Ten Tour | 24 Hour Musical | Cast of 'Fairytales' | Funniest Play | Pancake Day Times

My favourite things from this month have to be seeing Girls Aloud, being in two shows and having a lovely Valentines weekend in London with the boy, super excited for my Easter holiday coming up in March now though! What were your highlights of February? 
I had another really fun night out for my friend's 21st last night (tequila shots are my new favourite thing apparently), but I'm off home later for a bit more of a relaxed weekend with my boyfriend which is always lovely. I hope you all have a great end to the month and week too!

Love Meg


  1. ahh jealous you got to see Girls Aloud <3
    Carissa xx
    Vanilla Crush Blog

  2. Wish I could have got tickets to go and see GA :(

  3. Ah looking at your GA photo you can't of been too far away from where I was, how good were they?!


  4. I bet Girls Aloud was so much fun! I can't stand tequila definitely more about the sambuca hehe. Have a fab weekend. x

  5. Looks like you've had a brilliant month :) So jel you went to see Girls Aloud, I've seen them once and thought they were amazing :D Have a lovely weekend <3
    Love Holly x

  6. great photos, you look amazing in the first one Meg! :) x

  7. Great photo's, I would love to go see Girls Aloud very jealous!:) Xx

  8. Lovely photos, Victoria's Secret , witwoo love it xx

  9. Ah I'm so jealous, I would love to go to Victoria's Secret and blow a fortune! xxx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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