Sunday, 3 February 2013

Video: Big Collective Haul- Primark, Boots, Topshop, Benefit & More!

Hey Girls!

It's a very late post from me tonight but I've just uploaded another video which is a big collective haul featuring things from Primark, Boots, Topshop, Real Techniques, Benefit and even a really cute youtube related present from my friend Joe. So if you'd like to see what I got from all those places and more then why not give it a little watch...

Please subscribe to my youtube channel if you enjoy it, it'd make me a very happy bunny :) I'll be back tomorrow night with my February wish list hopefully and there will be lots more beauty and outfit posts coming this week so stay tuned for those. I've just had a really fun day which mainly consisted of eating my body weight in tapas (from Revolution de Cuba if you're in Sheffield and hungry!) and cookies and cream ice cream with my friends before reminiscing at Jungle Run and the first Harry Potter, we are too cool sometimes...I hope you all had a great weekend!

Love Meg

1 comment:

  1. loved this video meg :) LOVE the bag you got!
    & we use the same hair dye! Wooop! Twinnies! :) its amazing isn't it :) It saves your hair from the damage of bleach but gives almost the exact same results :) xx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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