Saturday, 1 September 2012

Westfields Haul!

Hello Lovelies!

If you've read my last couple of posts then you'll know that on Thursday I went shopping at the Westfields in Stratford for the first time with my friend Lydia. Well let me tell you it was like heaven on earth for the fashion and beauty obsessed...mac had its own big store, Origins was sold in two different places and Forever 21 was over three floors (I think I nearly fainted when I discovered these things!). Needless to say I could have maxed my overdraft with the amount I wanted to get, but luckily I remembered I still need money for uni and refrained from doing that. However, it had just been payday so I did treat myself to these lovely things-

1. The Zara Shopper Basket £39.99- The biggest thing I treated myself to was the Zara shopper basket bag, which I've fallen a little bit in love with and won't stop carrying round the house with me and yes using a new bag just to transport your things between rooms is perfectly acceptable (I hope). I went with the intention of buying this as I was in desperate need of a new uni and handbag and as I actually wanted it to last a long time I thought I might as well spend the forty pound on the real deal rather than getting the primark version. In my opinion it's worth every penny and did I mention Mollie from the Saturday's also has this bag...

2. Primark studded slipper shoes £10- After spending quite a bit in Zara I thought I should bargain hunt for the rest of the trip and bargain hunt I did because I found these gorgeous bang on trend studded slipper shoes in primark for only a tenner. I can't get enough of the stud trend at the moment and really badly wanted a pair of these infamous slippers after seeing them on so many of my favourite blogs lately and they certainly make a nice change from my boring black flats!

3. Primark loafer pumps £8 Another shoe bargain I found in good old primarni was these lovely loafer pumps for only eight pound. I can't tell you how long I've been searching for the perfect brown loafers, I once even spoke about loafers to my boyfriend in my sleep hahaa so obviously I was very happy to find these comfy, dainty and stylish ones.

4. Next volumising mascara £5- The only make up item I got was the Next volumising mascara. I know what you're thinking, why would a beauty enthusiast buy a mascara from Next? Well it's all down to Corrie from dizzybrunette3 recommending it and saying she might even prefer it to the Benefit 'they're real'. Obviously the five pound price tag fits in very well with my budget blog so I'm very pleased to report I'm highly impressed with it so far, but a full review will follow soon.

5. Paperchase notepads £3- A bit of a random purchase came in the form of two cute notepads from Paperchase, well I suppose it's not that random really considering the amount of time I spend writing various wish lists and to do lists and now I have two very pretty places to do that in for only three pound. Lovely stuff.

6. Lee Stafford super spray £4 (with offer)- Last but not least I bought the Lee Stafford super spray from Boots in a three for twelve pound offer that I went into with Lydia so it only cost me four pounds instead of about nine. It might seem like quite a random product to buy for my hair but I've been really enjoying using the Lee Stafford sea salt spray to add some beachy waves to my hair and I thought a little bit of this sea salt/wax/hairspray super product might give my curls a bit more lift and help them last longer.

It's not only the shopping that's amazing at westfields but also the food! They have a ridiculous amount of places to eat and as I was having a craving for my new favourite place, wagamamas, we went there and I had my favourite dish which is the yaki soba. And because I always have seperate stomach space for pudding we then made our own yoomoo frozen yoghurt cups which were quite fun and really yummy!

Apologies if that post was a bit long and photo heavy! But anyway I had a really fun time at the party I went to last night, got in at half five this morning though so I'm spending today recovering, watching Dr Who and X Factor and eating Chinese with my man, perhaps I'll attempt something productive tomorrow...

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend!
Love Meg


  1. I really want those Primark studded pumps! I have ones from Matalan but they're taking a while to soften up and the Primark ones look so comfy already I want some to wear while my others soften up! Sounds like you had fun last night! Can't get over how delish the Wagamamas looks!!

    Robyn Mayday

    1. Yeah they do feel really comfy and I did thank you :) xxx

  2. I really need those studded pumps! I've been eyeying them for ages! Next shopping trip I need them! :D Everything looks lovely, I love the detail on the little note books, so cute!

    1. I'd wanted them for so long too and I'm glad you like my little notebooks :) xxx

  3. the zara bag is amazing, i have been lusting after it for ages! also love the primark studded pumps x

  4. I really loved this post! Think I might get the Zara bag for uni too but I'm torn between the black one and the brown one :( The shoes are beaut too, can't believe they're from Primark! xx

    1. I'm glad! and I did find it difficult to choose which colour xxx

  5. Ahh I love all of it but especially the loafers! I got some brown flats from Primark a while ago and they're never off my feet, so comfy but I want those ones now, they're perfect!

    1. Glad you like it all and yes I do rather love them :) xxx

  6. I found westfield so overwhelming! I'd see stuff I wanted in one shop..but wanted to check out another 30 shops before commiting to buying anything! My poor feet at the end of the day! Love the Zara bag!

    1. I found it a bit daunting at first too, I wanted to spend too much money! xxx

  7. Actually prefering your Zara bag to the shopper surprizingly enough!!
    Everytime I check Pennys (the irish Primark) they still dont have the studded slippers:(

    Great post!

    1. haha I'm glad! and sad times about the slippers :( xxx

  8. I have that bag! It's such good quality and holds soo much

    1. Oh do you, I'm glad to hear it's good then! xxx

  9. Ahh I want that bag so bad! Love the shoes too, can't believe they're from Primark! x

    1. I couldn't believe it when I found them either! xxx

  10. oh my god, those studs are identical to the topshop ones! i neeeeed to find them! such a lovely post! just came back from westfield today as i was at the olympics but had limited time to shop, boo :( xxx

    1. So glad you enjoyed it, shame you couldn't shop though! xxx

  11. I love that bag, I'm desperate for a black one like that but haven't been able to find one! The froyo looks delicious! x

    1. well they do it in black if you wanted :) xxx

  12. I love the spiked loafers you picked up and would kill for that Zara bag! Its so chic :D


  13. THE lOAFERS ARE THEBOMB.COM!!Could you please consider following each other? I think you could really like my blog! Twitter: @shineonbyandrea Pinterest: shineonbyandrea

    1. hehe glad you think so and I've followed :) xxx

  14. ooh I have those brown primark loafers and I ADORE them!! I can't believe the Studded Primark ones are only £8! I spent £28 on my Topshop ones!! I'm gonna hunt down those studded loafers!


    1. I'm glad you like them! and yes you should xxx

  15. £40 for a zara bag is pretty good! And I fully support your need to carry it round the house, its too gorgeous not to!
    Love both of the flats from Primark too, very pretty.
    Claire x

    1. aww I'm so happy you support my need to do that! xxx

  16. Meg you absolute saviour!! My loafers from ASOS are slowly breaking, and these look like the perfect replacement !!


    Benefit Ultra Plush Lipgloss Giveaway!

    1. aww I'm very happy I've saved you then! xxx

  17. Ahhh both pairs of shoes are really nice, great for a cheeky primarni purchase!
    And that Zara bag is a beaut!


  18. That Zara shopper is a classic, looks gorgeous! I can get enough cute notebooks too, I make notes and lists for everything x

  19. Lovely haul, I love that Zara shopper! Really want to find those Primark studded flats too but my local is always sold out :( x

    Just found your blog via Beauty Bird's and I'm following :) x

  20. Loving the studded slipper shoes! Need to get myself a pair! :) xxx

  21. Love those studded slippers, they're next on my Primark shoe wishlist for sure! Bit different to the ones i bought, studs look sturdier!

    1. yeah they had a few different ones there, these did look pretty sturdy! xxx

  22. I went to westfields for the first time last month, i was in heaven too. The primark there is amazing too, i see you got some great goodies x

  23. love the zara bag! so classy. great price to. looks more expensive. i need to take a trip to westfields again. so happy theres a victorias secret there to. yay.
    twitter- @adoramehitabel
    instragram- adoramehitabel


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