Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Chicago haul: American Apparel, Tarte, Fresh & more!

Hello Lovelies!

Some of you might remember me mentioning that my parents left me home alone to go to on holiday to Chicago last week. Well as much as I wanted them to have a good time, I couldn't help but be very excited for the day they were coming home as I had a sneaky suspicion they might be bringing a few American goodies back with them (and because I missed them of course...) and they didn't disappoint as I screamed rather loudly when these beautiful things appeared from out of their suitcase...

American Apparel Disco Pants- I've been lusting after these ever since they first started to appear on the blogasphere and I can't believe I actually own a pair of them now! At the ridiculously expensive price of £70 in the UK I was going to find it hard to justify buying them for myself, but they come in at around £50 in America and I know I'll get so much wear out of them so they really were the perfect present. I tried them out when I went to a house party on Sunday night and found the XS fits me perfectly and is very flattering. There will be lots of outfit photos starring these coming soon I'm sure.

      Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-hour Blush in 'Tipsy'- If you follow viviannadoesmakeup then you might realise she was my inspiration to ask for this little gem of a blusher. Tarte is an American brand that I really wish we had in this country and this blusher is a prime example of why as it's the most gorgeous coral shade and comes in such a cute compact. It was $25 from the infamous Sephora making this my first high end blush and it really does give a gorgeous long lasting flush to the cheeks, but they'll be a full review to follow.

Fresh Brown Sugar Perfume Roller ball- Oh look, another recommendation from Vivianna...I knew that I had to have a perfume roller ball  in my life after she talked about them in a video so I went for Fresh Brown Sugar as I heard it was a beautiful light and fruity scent and it really does smell lush. I'm going to love keeping this in my handbag to keep me smelling nice throughout the day and at only $12 I thought this was quite good value for a high end brand in such classy packaging, if only things were so cheap here!

Rockford Sock Monkey- Onto some funny random presents now with these sock monkeys! My parents visited their friends in a place called Rockford which is where sock monkeys originated from, hence why I now own this cute little monkey I've named Rockford (Inventive I know) and my Dad has the big Mummy monkey. My monkey is going to sit on my desk at uni to keep me cheered up when I'm writing essays or missing home with my PG tips chimp to keep him company, nothing wrong with being a big kid sometimes!

 Pure American Yumminess- Who doesn't love American food? I swear if I lived in America I'd find it quite hard not to just spend all my time eating haha. Anyway my parents got me and my boyfriend all these fun yummy things to share so I look forward to making our way through these when we see each other at weekends.

Sorry for my absence over the weekend, but I've moved back to Sheffield now for my third year at uni and have been having a great time in my shiny new house, seeing my lovely friends and going on spontaneous freshers week nights out. I couldn't actually go out last night as I still felt so ill from the night before (a night of watching series one of the hills under a blanket with therunwayrose happened instead, woop!), but I'm feeling much better today so I've enjoyed starting rehearsals for a charity concert that's happening in a couple of weeks and am looking forward to going out for a friend's birthday drinks tonight :)

I hope you're all having a good week and are enjoying freshers week if you're back at uni!
Love Meg


  1. I can't wait to see OOTD's featuring your AA Disco pants now!!
    Can't believe they worked out so much cheaper!

    Great haul and I hope you enjoyed Chicago :)

    1. I'm wearing them out tonight so hopefully there will be one up tomorrow! xxx

  2. Yayy you got some disco pants - theyre the best thing ive bought in a very long time - cant wait for some ootd's with them!

    Candy Corn oreo? Oh my goodness - never knew they existed.. might have to take a trip to America just for the purpose of getting some xx

    1. haha I am so excited by both the disco pants and the candy corn oreos! xxx

  3. Awh you're so lucky - can't wait to see how you style the disco pants, reckon you'll really suit them :) I really want to try a pop-tart, I'm sure I'm the only person who hasn't?! ox

    1. aww thanks I hope I do! and you really should try a pop tart, they're amazing xxx

  4. Wow that Tarte blush looks gorgeous! I'm very jealous of your food stash too! xxx

    1. it is rather lovely! and the food is pretty yummy too hehe xxx

  5. Lovely parents! The Tarte blush looks gorgeous and I'm drooling over your American food goodies! xx

    1. yes they are! I'm glad you like it all :) xxx

  6. The tarte blush is lovely!


    1. I am very happy to own it, must do a review soon! xxx

  7. Funny, I was watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix yesterday and those monkeys made an appearance in one of the episodes, they're really cute! :) xx

    1. I adore that show! I don't remember the monkeys bit though but that's so cute, I'll have to go and find it :) xxx

  8. You got some great pressies! Always wanted to go America, mainly so i can pick up products that we cant get here in uk :( x


    1. Yep, that's my main reason for wanting to go too! xxx

  9. soooo jealous about the tarte blush... I want one too!! x

    1. it is such a shame we don't have them in the UK xxx

  10. Lucky thing!! everything looks gorgeous, can't wait to see reviews :D

    1. I do feel rather lucky and hopefully the reviews will be up soon xxx

  11. Hi,I've been following your blog for a couple of weeks now. I stumbled on it by accident and find it intriguing. I am from America so I find it interesting to see your recommendations and reviews of British products. I love Sephora!! I bought some Candy Corn oreos last week and they were so good. I have a 2 year old daughter who is going to be a sock monkey for Halloween, lol.

    1. oh I'm so glad you like my blog, thanks doe reading! and a 2 year old sock monkey has to be the cutest thing I've ever heard of awwwww xxx

  12. Gosh, I need someone to pop across the pond and pick me some goodies up! I love how cheap it is out there, damn the UK and it's stupid prices lol ^_^ x

    1. I know it's so much cheaper over there, rubbish! xxx

  13. these look pretty

    Eimear X


  14. Aww this is so cute from your parents. :)

  15. Great variety of gifts :) I live in the US and have never seen candy corn Oreos...wow! Fabulous pants! Lucky girl :)


    1. oh have you not? You'll have to hunt them down! xxx

  16. I always say if I lived in the US I'd be huge with all their lush food! Haha :) The blusher looks gorgeous..

    Im your newest follower, check out my blog if you have a min :) xx


    1. I agree! good job we live in the UK then haha and I will check it out xxx

  17. Amazing presents, I am so so jealous!
    I hate that the disco pants are so much cheaper in America, unfair :( xxx

  18. Hi Meg! We love your parents!!! jajaa
    The Rockford Sock Monkey and the disco pants are really good presents from US. Lucky you!


  19. thanks for your comment! just followed you in gfc, hope you will follow back like we said :) http://xxxloveisbeautyxxx.blogspot.ie/


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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