Friday, 7 September 2012

How much is your face worth?

Hello Lovelies!

I saw this 'How much is your face worth?' post on a few of my favourite blogs recently and thought it would be quite a fun and interesting post to do as I never really think about how much money I'm putting on my face everyday. So here is my basic everyday make up look and how much it sets me back...

Rimmel fix and perfect pro primer- £6.99 
Bourjois healthy mix serum (52) - £10.99
Collection lasting perfection concealer (light)-£4.19
Maybelline dream lumi touch under eye concealer (ivory)-£6.99
Rimmel stay matte pressed powder (sandstorm)- £3.99
Bourjous chocolate bronzing powder (51)- £6.99
Maybelline dream touch blush (peach)-£6.49
Benefit high beam- £18.50 (for full bottle)
bareMinerals brow colour (dark blonde/brown)- £11
Rimmel exaggerate liquid liner- £5.29
Next volumising mascara- £5
Vaseline (Creme Brulee)- £2.99
Natural Collection moisture shine lipstick (rose petal)- £1.99
Total- £91.40

To be honest I thought my everyday make up would come out as a little less than that as it doesn't include eye shadow or anything too fancy, but it just goes to show how make up all adds up even when it's mainly drug store and this is without skin care and brushes! Saying that though I am quite proud of my total as I do use a fair few products and I've seen a few of these posts with a couple of hundred pound faces. There's nothing wrong with that of course, I'm just on too much of a budget to have all high end make up so tend to stick to my drugstore favourites for everyday and there are some real gems in there such as the Next mascara, Maybelline blush and Natural collection lipstick that you should try out if you haven't already. 
How much is your face worth?

I had a really fun time yesterday as I went shopping and out for dinner with the girls and then we had a classic girly sleepover drinking Lambrini and embarrassingly watching High School Musical for old times sake (why did no one tell Zach to get a hair cut?). Then tonight I'm off to watch the athletics at the Paralympics with my boyfriend which I'm very excited for! Is it bad that eating at the biggest McDonalds in the world is part of that excitement?

I hope you all have a lovely start to your weekend!
Love Meg


  1. You look lovely here! Sound like you had a lovely evening and enjoy the paralympics tonight! ox

  2. I think this is the cheapest version of this tag I've seen aha, well done:)

  3. Your daily makeup is super beautiful and so fresh, it's gorgeous! $91 isn't cheap but it's also not crazy expensive!

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

    1. aww that's lovely and yeah I don't think it's too bad xxx

  4. You are so gorgeous! I love your makeup as well and your blog! :) keep it up!!


  5. Amazing! Your make-up looks flawless. I think I may need to do this tag some time soon. :D

  6. yes it's a bit crazy! and I'll take a look xxx

  7. Wow, you've done pretty well! Love how you use so much Rimmel and Maybelline! Mine came to almost £200 :( pain! Take a look :) x

  8. You look really pretty! :)


  9. I really like this idea for a post, It's really interesting to realise how much is spent.

    also you look very pretty :)


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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