Sunday, 30 September 2012

September in Pictures

Hello Lovelies!

So it's now the last day of September, which can only mean one thing...month in pictures time! It's been a bit of a crazy old month with having to move back to Sheffield to start my third year of uni and I feel like I've spent the last two weeks of it with horrible freshers flu but that hasn't stopped me from having lots of fun times, some of which I thought I'd show you in my little monthly montage- 

reunited with my supas lovelies / cheeky MAC purchase / new uni room / sunday brunch / pre pop tarts shenanigans / new wall collage / face mask sexiness (lol) / the most exciting invitation possibly ever / box of skincare goodies 

I feel like I've been a bit out of touch with my blogging through the past couple of weeks of fun and freshers flu, but I'm off home for the week tomorrow to go and see Nickelback (yes I do sometimes listen to music sang by people who aren't One Direction) and to go to the Cosmo Blog Awards (far too exciting!) so I'll have the time to get back on track with it all, yay!

I hope you've all had a lovely month,
Love Meg


  1. Your uni room looks amazing! I'm so jealous of everyone going and regret dropping out of sixth form. Have fun this year!! xox

  2. Sounds like you've been having a busy time, enjoy the cosmo blog awards! Those pancakes look yummyyyyyy ox

  3. Your room looks lovely:)!

  4. hope your having a good time at uni, it certainly looks like you are :)


  5. Your room looks so cosy :) Good luck at the blog awards, hope it's a good night

  6. Just found your blog, love it!! Check out mine. :)

  7. Hope you have fun at the awards! xx

  8. That brunch looks yummy! and nice face mask, such a great look haha :) x


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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