Sunday, 9 September 2012

A Night at the Paralympics

Hello Lovelies!

If you follow me on twitter or read my last post then you'll know that on Friday night I toddled up to London with my boyfriend to see a night of athletics at the Paralympics. Well it was so incredible that I thought I'd share a little Paralympic outfit/picture heavy (sorry!) post with you...

Crop- Topshop
Shorts- Levi vintage
Loafers- Primark
Belt- New Look
Bag- Zara

Outfit wise I wanted to be patriotic in red, white and blue, but as I was with a boyfriend who wouldn't also want to dress up like a crazy brit I kept it subtle and casual with my new white Topshop crop tee, blue vintage levi shorts and red/coral kate moss lipstick. I also found some of my mum's union jack jewellery and had a couple of flags stashed in my beautiful Zara shopper basket bag so I could wave them around like a loon at every opportunity! I was so surprised and happy that the weather was good enough for me to wear my favourite summer combo of cropped top and high waisted bottoms and looking at the weather today I think I'll be able to wear crops and shorts for a while longer before autumn sets in, lovely stuff. Oh and I also took my new Primark loafers for a test run and they proved to be very comfy and sturdy, yay for bargain Primarini shoes! The actual trip to the park and athletics we watched was amazing, I saw the big names such as Oscar Pistorius and Richard Whitehead race which was so inspirational, finally got to visit the biggest Mcdonald's in the world which I had been far too excited about haha and took part in many audience mexican waves (or as I accidentally called them, american waves). All in all it was an amazing once in a lifetime experience and I'm just so glad we went :)

Have any of you had the chance to go and see it?

I'm home alone with the boyfriend this weekend so I've just been having a lovely unproductive time watching films, eating cookie dough ice cream and sunbathing. Back to the healthy eating and exercise tomorrow I promise...

I hope you've all had a lovely weekend!
Love Meg


  1. This looks like such a fun day! I really got into the olympics when it was on but as Ive been on holiday for most of the paralympics i havent had a chance to see any :( I love them tho, they are such inspiration people!
    Your outfit is so pretty! :) and i dont blame you for being excited to go to the worlds largest mcdonalds, i would have been too! Haha! xxx

    1. Yes it was! and I'm glad you would have been excited for the mcdonalds too haha xxx

  2. Glad you had an amazing time at the paralympics. Bet it was an incredible experience.

    Too bad your boyfriend wouldn't dress up in red, white and blue! But I love the outfit you wore :) xx

    1. yes he is a spoil sport hahaa but thank you ! xxx

  3. Ah it sounds like an awesome day out - I'm really jealous as I didn't go!! Love your outfit and I want a Maccy Ds now!!!

    Robyn Mayday

  4. glad you had a good time - you look amazing!:)

  5. Looks like you had n amazing time! I went to the paralympic athletics too (different day) and sat practically opposite your seats! So inspirational, I saw hannah cockford win gold and I just burst into tears when singing the national anthem! 
Project Rattlebag xoxox

    1. that's so cool! yes it was such an inspirational experience :) xxx

  6. Love your outfit you look fab :)
    Such a lovely thing to say you've been at :)

  7. Sounds like you had a great night :)
    You look fabulous and I am utterly jealous of you figure misses!!

    1. aww this comment made me very happy :) I don't think you have any reason to be jealous though missy! xxx

  8. I love your levi shorts!! I need to find me some, aha:)

  9. Looks like you had such a fun day! I would have loved to have went to the games and would def have been waving my flag like a loon too :)
    Lianne x

    1. I'm very glad you'd have also behaved like a loon hehe xxx

  10. thanks and I will have a look at your blog xxx

  11. ahhhh i was there too! I was sitting the same end as you and my photos are practically the same haha. werent we so lucky with the weather. glad you loved it as much as i did! xx

  12. i'm glad you had such a great time.


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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