Sunday, 15 January 2012

Review- Garnier BB cream

Hi Girlies! 

I've just got back to my house in Sheffield and after travelling for 6 and a half hours I can't quite face tackling the last of my essays yet, so thought I would do a little review of Garnier BB cream for you. I've had this product since last November, but sometimes it takes me a long time to decide how I actually feel about certain products and this was one of them, but hopefully I will be able to give you an accurate review now I've used it so much.

I bought this last year because I wanted to try something that was heavier than tinted moisturiser, but lighter than foundation and after hearing the unbelievable hype about this new miracle skin perfector, which also claimed to moisturise and protect your skin whilst covering up imperfections, I thought all my Christmasses had come at once! 

It costs £9.99 from Boots and this is the description from the website- 'Garnier BB cream for immediately perfected skin with even tone and boosted glow. Blurs imperfections and smoothes fine lines. SPF15 protection and 24hr hydration.' When I first tried the BB cream I was very impressed by it as I thought that it covered blemishes and scarring really well and made my face look quite fresh, dewy and moisturised. I do still think that it does these things really well and allows you to use less or no concealer depending on how your skin is behaving, however I have major issues  with this product over the available shades and consistency of the cream. This is because it is only available in two shades- light and medium and I found the light shade was too dark for me even though I don't have very pale skin, so I don't see how people are supposed to find a good colour match. The consistency was a really big problem for me as it was very thick, meaning that it didn't go very far and wasn't very easy to blend. It was also quick drying so I often ended up with a quite uneven finish.

For these reasons I would probably only give this product a 2 stars, as although it does offer quite a good coverage of blemishes, a lot of foundations do that already that also have a price tag of less than £10, a wide range of shades and a consistency you can blend to achieve an even finish. I know that there are many positive reviews and bloggers who might disagree with me here, but I really didn't get on with this product and wonder if I would get on better with a different brand of blemish  balm such as the 17 or new No7 one or if they are all very similar...

Please let me know what your thoughts are of this product and if you've tried any other blemish balms!

Right I'm going to crack on with my essays now whilst watching a nice bit of Sherlock, oh the excitements of my life at the moment!

I hope your all having lovely Sunday evenings!
Love Meg


  1. I waaay prefer the 17 BB cream! It's cheaper and it's a better colour match for me, i usually use it under a foundation for a fuller coverage for nights out or on its own when i just want a i-don't-have-any-makeup-on look haha even though i do of course ;) don't wanna scare any children!!

  2. My problem with bb creams is shade matching.. they just don't seem to fuse as seamlessly with my skin color as I expect... I'm sticking with foundation :)

  3. I must admit.. I have never been tempted by this Garnier Cream.. So I'm glad you have confirmed this !

  4. I have this and I wasn't keen on it!

  5. I have used this and it seems too dark for me but it might be ok if I'd been on holiday? I have been using the Korean BB creams which seem a lot better. My personal favourite is the Super Shills Magic BB cream but the Missha one also seems good. I reckon the Korean ones are far better than the Garnier one. xx

  6. Thank you for this review - I'm gonna try it soon :)
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  7. i brought this bb cream ages ago to and was also really disappointed! i agree, it didn't blend well and I got the medium which was way too dark and orange:(


  8. I'm really glad you all agree with me on this one, as I've seen so many rave reviews about BB cream! xxx

  9. I have tried the No. 7 BB cream which is new, and the Garnier cream and find they are both quite dark for my skin. However, the No. 7 BB cream contains parabens which are really bad for your skin if you suffer with spots where as the Garnier one does not. So in a bit of a dilemma as what to do. xx

  10. hmm to be honest I think its best to ditch the bb creams altogether and stick to foundation or tinted moisturiser! xxx

  11. I was about to purchase it, and now I'm having a second thought.


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