Sunday, 18 September 2011

NOTD-How to get leopard print nails

Hello Lovelies!

So I've been blogging for nearly a week now and I figured it was about time I started on the beauty side of my blog so today I'm going to show you how to achieve my latest nail art obsession- leopard print nails! 

After seeing a couple of my friends try this out a while back I knew I had to try it. I'm very happy I did as my housemates have commented on how much they love my nails and were so shocked when I told them I did them myself, also a friend last week thought I'd had proffesional nail foils done! So yes if your bored with regular nail colour give this a go and impress everyone... 

 1. Start off by painting your nails with two coats of a gold or yellow base colour (you can play around with other colours but today I'm just showing you how to achieve the conventional leopard print look). I used a pale metallic gold from colour works.

2.Once that's dry paint a few little random misshaped splodges over your nails with a brownish or bronze colour leaving gaps inbetween. As long as the colour is several shades darker than your base coat it should work. I used maybelline colourama in toffee. TOP TIP- you can remove any mistakes you make with the brown splodges without removing the gold base coat by gently wiping them while they're still wet with a cotton bud dipped in nail varnish remover.

3. Now outline the splodges with a thin black liquid eye liner or nail pen. It's best if you don't outline the whole thing, but draw two semi circles at either end of the splodge like this ( ) leaving gaps in the middle. I know it's a bit tricky, but try and make your outlines thin and precise. I used collection 2000 liquid eye liner.

4. Next, fill in some of the gaps between the outlined brown splodges with little black splodges using the same eye liner / nail pen you've just used. Again make these random and mishaped, but keep them small and precise and you only need a few.  Again, you can remove any mistakes you make with the eye liner without removing the gold or brown by gently wiping them with a cotton bud dipped in nail varnish remover!

5. And finally, once the black is all dry paint your nails with a clear top coat to stop the eye liner or nail pen from washing off and make them nice and shiny. Be gentle when applying the top coat, as if you apply it too harshly you can pull some of the black off...

 ...and viola! Sexy nails that will banish one colour boredom and make it look like you've been to a salon :)

 Now you can do the same to your toe nails, although it's a bit more tricky to do those little ones!

Please let me know how it goes if you give this a go! The very first time I tried it it didn't look that great as I was too heavy with the eyeliner so keep practising even if you're not happy with the first attempt :) Also please let me know if you try this out with different colours or do you have other nail fashions you're loving at the moment? 

Love Meg


  1. Amazing!! I'm going to try this, but with my wobbly hands i don't think it will have the same effect haha

  2. Hello :) just wanted to thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog :) I really love your blog, you have great potential and a really lovely way of writing :) enjoyed reading this so much, your nails look amazing I'm deffo gonna give this a go - I'm gonna try it with different colours though so I'll let you know how it goes :D I noticed you're studying english, I'm studying that too and am also in my second year :)
    I'm following you now, really looking forward to your next post :D
    Take care <3 Holz oxo

  3. AngieBeautyBelle- aww I'm very glad you think it's amazing! It's easy once you get the hang of it so please let me know how yours go :)

    Holziepink- thanks for such a lovely message! It's really given me motivation to keep growing my blog knowing that people like you are now enjoying reading it :) yes please do let me know how that goes! Hope your second year at uni gets off to a good start too...


  4. Thanks so much for your lovely comment.
    What a great idea using eyeliner on our nails!
    Looks fab,Im a little obsessed with nail art,I always have to have my nails painted1 And never chipped!
    You have a new follower,look forward to your next post.
    Hope you had a fab weekend x

  5. I have just recieved your email! Thanks so much for taking part,it means so much and I absolute love your styling in the pic's! I will post it on my blog possibly tomorrow,when ive done il let you know and of course il link the pics back to your blog x
    Thanks again for your help x

  6. Kayleigh- That's quite alright, I really enjoyed your blog! Thank you very much, I'm glad you like the nails and that your following me now :) and I'm very happy you liked my photos too, it really is a great project and I love that I can be a part of it!

    Jazzy E- Thanks so much! It's so nice to get such a great response to them :)


  7. this wonderful I love nail art Dear loving your blog I just discovered u through Kayleight Jean following you hope u follow me back kisses

  8. Preppy fashionist- that's so sweet, thankyou! I'm very glad you found me and I am following you back :) xxx

  9. love these nails!! ive not seen any metallic ones before.. defo going to have to give this a try!

  10. These are so cute! I love them :) xx

  11. Kirsty F- Yes please do give them a try and let me know how it goes! I think using metallic polish makes them look a bit different to regular ones :)

    Shannon- Thanks very much, I'm glad you love them!



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