Friday, 31 May 2013

May in Pictures

Hello Lovelies,

Sorry for being a bit absent on the blog this week and month in general, but I've been madly trying to balance finishing my degree with enjoying all the end of year nights out and getting ready for my holiday (I know, student life is so tough). But anyway, as it's now the end of May I thought I'd show you some of the highlights from my very mixed month...

  double drinks / my habitat for the past week / milkshake addiction / ice cream with the boyf / 'the rolling tone's ball performance / cheese-tastic eurovison night / Shredding the beach bod / pretty student garden / too much tequila

What are your May highlights?

As I had two big essays in this week I've come back to Kent today to spend the sunny weekend with my boyfriend. He's off to Ibiza next week so it's nice to spend some chill out time together. I literally cannot wait for all my work to finish on Wednesday though, I plan on acting like it's freshers week all over again!

 I hope you've all had a lovely month!
Love Meg


  1. my habitat's pretty much been the same too! :( Good luck with your uni work- my first a level exam is on monday! :o xxx

  2. I'd honestly love to go on a night out with you haha :) from your pictures you seem to be having a jolly good time especially your last one ;) i love looking at pictures from nights out always get a good chuckle :P i swear the dress you wore -the blue one is absolutely gorgeous! :D it suits you so much :)
    & Good Luck with Uni :D Summer is just around the corner :D

  3. Looks like you've had a good month, bet it'll be good to finally finish your degree! Good luck with the essays! That ice cream looks so good, and there's no such thing as too much tequila ;) x

  4. Hope you have a lovely week end!

    Pipp xx

  5. That ice cream looks amazing! x


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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