Monday, 6 May 2013

The Cosmo Blog Awards 2013

Hello Lovelies!

I'm going to keep this post short and sweet as I'm sure you'll be hearing lots about these awards on the blogasphere soon, but basically if you enjoy reading my blog and watching my videos I'd really love for you to vote for me in the Cosmo Blog Awards 2013! I was lucky enough to be shortlisted for best newcomer last year and this time I'm eligible for the 'Best Established Beauty Blog' award so to nominate me all you need to do is enter my blog url,, in the blog awards form which I've linked below so
please click here to vote! 

 Good luck to everyone else hoping to be nominated and a huge thank you to anyone who does go and type in my blog address, I'll be voting for all my favourites before the closing date which is June 3rd! I hope you've all had a lovely bank holiday too, I spent mine having a picnic in the park which was such a nice way to start the week :) 

Love Meg


  1. I have just voted for you! I have nominated my blog again too, one can only dream though... X

  2. I just voted for you. Is there a limit to how much you can vote like once a day or once per device connected to the internet?

    Gemma x

  3. Aw, I've already voted for you- I'm glad I picked the right category- great minds think alike hey? You were actually one of the first blogs I voted for (and the only one in this category, yay you!)on the 3rd when nominations opened. It's all so exciting! This is my first year of blog awards so it's all really fun and new and just mind boggling for me. Haha, I am still such a newbie. You did so amazingly last year so here's hoping you do even better this year- you totally deserve it-
    Hope you're well?
    Speak soon lovely.
    Laura xx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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