Sunday, 26 May 2013

My guy housemate does my makeup!

Hello Lovelies!

I've got a bit of a funny post for you today to show you my latest youtube video where my lovely housemate Nick (who appeared as Mr April here) attempts to give me a gorgeous night out make up look, it's definitely worth a watch...

Please don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you enjoy it :) It's only a little post from me today as I need to finish a first draft of an essay before we have friends round for a curry tonight so I best get writing, boooo... Have a lovely evening!

Love Meg


  1. This was so funny :) I noticed a few of these videos on youtube and loved watching them always great x | Shamballa Bracelet Giveaway ♥

  2. Very funny video!loved how your flat mate kept trying to use words like "contour"...u had obviously taught him quickly about make up before he learner hehe!:)


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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