Monday, 3 June 2013

The June Wishlist: Holiday Edition

Hey Girls!

So after spending pretty much all day lazing in the park and thinking about my holiday to Spain in under two weeks I thought I'd theme this months wishlist accordingly to show you all the summer accessories I'll be lusting after (and undoubtedly buying) this month... 

Asos Straw Hat / Agent Provocateur Cut Out Swimsuit / Nails Inc. Portobello / Ray Ban Wayfarers / Ebay Sandals 

It's just a short post from me today as I still have to finish my final piece of uni work which is due on Wednesday. I did actually do work whilst I sun bathed in the park, but I still need to crack on and get more done tonight so I can enjoy the meal and night out I have planned for tomorrow! Oh and you also only have one night left to nominate Meg's Budget Boutique as 'best established beauty blog' in the Cosmo 2013 blog awards and it really would mean the world to me if you took a couple of minutes to do it! So if you enjoy reading my ramblings you can nominate me here :)

What's on your holiday wishlist?

I hope you're all enjoying the sunshine and have lovely holidays to look forward to!
Love Meg


  1. Hey girl, LOVE the wishlist
    the swimsuit is just perfect for the beach!!
    Thank you for the follow! We can't find your blog's follow button to follow back?! We have also voted for you in the cosmo blog awards :)
    Good luck!

  2. That swimsuit is stunning! I love the cutout look :)


  3. :O how perfect is that swimsuit!!! x

  4. NEED WANT LOVE that swimsuit!
    x x


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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