Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The New Bourjois 'Radiance Reveal' Healthy Mix Foundation

Another day, another foundation. Or at least that's what my hunt for the perfect base feels like sometimes. But no matter how many new foundations and BB or CC creams (I'm sure it's not long till DD happens) get released I was always so sure the Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation would be sat in pride of place as my holy grail glowy, night out, good coverage, yellow toned foundation. That is until they announced they had reformulated and repackaged it! Needless to say I was worried (how can you improve on drugstore perfection?), but of course as soon as my old bottle ran out I was off to Boots to see how this updated 'radiance reveal' offering compared...

Bourjous Radiance Reveal Healthy Mix Foundation is £9.99 from Boots

First off, Bourjous have listened to all my foundation related prayers and given us a glass bottle! Alleluia! This makes the packaging so much classier than the previous plastic container and is now a bottle I like having in my make up bag. They've topped this lovely bottle with a red lid and pump which is very similar to the Healthy Mix serum which I also love and makes dispensing and application soooo quick and easy with no risk of product wastage. Please take note of that Mr Revlon! I think that the consistency of the product inside the bottle has also been given a positive alteration as it feels like much more of a dewy gel, meaning I wear this on it's own alot more than the old version which I used to mix with the serum to make lighter and more blendable. So although I do still like to wear a good hydrating primer underneath and still blend this with a lighter formula foundation for a more natural look, this new consistency is a great improvement. The finish is even more radiant too as it contains even more fruit extracts than before with apricot for beautiful radiance, melon for extra hydration and apple for youth protection. Not only does all this fruit make the foundation smell gorgeous but also look unbelievably fresh and glowy on the skin, whilst still providing a really good level of medium coverage. This level of coverage combined with the fact it doesn't contain SPF makes this my perfect night out foundation. High praise indeed. The shade selection doesn't seem to have changed at all which is actually a good thing as '52' is my perfect summer time shade as it's very yellow toned, but is also good for the colder months with a little bit of lighter foundation mixed in. The biggest claim this new foundation makes is that it keeps you looking flawless with an evened out skin tone for 16 hours and whilst that is a long time and I might find myself topping up the concealer towards the end of the day, it is the longest lasting base I own and at the reasonable price of £ 9.99 for a bottle that once lasted me almost a year the Bourjois Healthy Mix has solidly re-earned it's place as my trusty holy grail base. Keep the new releases coming Bourjous.

Have you tried the new 'Radiance Reveal' Healthy Mix?

After the initial shock of being back home after living the student life for three years, this week has actually been really nice and I've done lots of life sorting which I didn't have the chance to do during exam time. Today I just went to back to work at the library but tomorrow I'm going to lunch with one of my best home friends before seeing my boyfriend who has just returned from Ibiza. I've also been busy getting ready for my own holiday on Saturday by swimming and shredding and getting stocked up with adorable miniature items from Superdrug as well as anything that promises to help me tan. With the weather we're getting in England at the moment who can blame me!

I hope you're all having a good week!
Love Meg


  1. I'd love to try this foundation, but we don't get Bourjois here :(. So many great UK products I would looooove to try!

  2. It looks so luminous- I love the finish it gives! I've heard nothing but praise for Healthy Mix x

  3. I love the serum so was a bit dubious about this looks lovely though. x

  4. DD Already HAS happened lol

  5. I've been waiting to try this for ages, definitely going to get it next time I pop in to town!Xx

    Lucy Cole | A UK Fashion Blog

  6. I've yet to try a bourjois foundation as I hear they are scented? And my skin is rather sensitive...

    Looks like a great item though and I am happy they didn't change it for the worse!

  7. I've been meaning to try this foundation since a makeup artist reccommended it to me! Glad to hear you love it, I want it even more now!

    Emma X

  8. So happy that they've released this in a glass bottle now, it's just so much more classy looking :) I loved the original one of these so am really excited to try this new formula, I just wish their palest shade was a little lighter but hopefully I'll get a slight tan this summer and will be more comfortable wearing it :D
    Love Holly x //

  9. I've been testing this out, I hadn't tried the old formula so I cannot compare, I'm on the fence at the moment!

    Taylor xxx

  10. Julip already do a DD cream but I have no idea what it even means/does! Do you think there will be an EE cream or will that be too silly? :P

    I'm glad they've not changed the shades and that the coverage is a bit better.

  11. I love this too, but not a holy grail. Have fun on hols!

    Pipp xx


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