Monday, 1 December 2014


IT’S BLOGGMASSS! Happy 1st of December everyone, I do hope you were all up early this morning opening your calendars adorned with One Direction and Frozen. My mum treated me to a Merry Teaser one this year which I am most excited about. I’m also most excited to kick off Blogmas and Vlogmas today! As Christmas is my very favourite time of year, I wanted to do something a bit special on the old Boutique to celebrate and so the decision of blogging every day of December alongside filming regular Vlogmas videos was made. It’s a lot more posting than I’m used to doing with a full time job, but I’m so looking forward to sharing everything I have planned with you- let me know if there are any particular festive posts/videos you want to see in the comments below and for now I shall leave you with my very first Vlogmas video. Why yes, there are reindeer antlers involved… 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe we're already in December :O I'm not too sure if I'm going to do blogmas this year but will give it a go. I'm looking forward to your daily updates X



Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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