Wednesday, 24 December 2014

The Christmas Eve 'To Do' List

I cannot believe that it's my most favourite day of the year- Christmas Eve! Even though we're just one short sleep away from the big day there is still a lot to be done, especially if you're a blogger, so here's a little 'to do' list to make sure you're all ready for Santa to come down the chimney (you'll see that I've only included the really vital stuff)-

1. Wake up & spend at least half an hour confirming with fellow tweeters that it is indeed Christmas Eve. Use of all four festive emojis (you know the ones) is a must.

2. Open the last door of your advent calendar. Full size malteaser reindeer here I come... 

3. Decide on your trio of Christmas outfits for the next few days- always a tough 'cosy and Christmas jumper' or 'glam and glitter' decision.

4. As you get ready try desperately to finish watching everyone's Vlogmas videos. You've come this far so you certainly won't be missing out on everyone's day 23/24 exploits!

5. Make sure all those presents are wrapped to a suitably pinteresty level. Cheeky Instagram.

6. Now for the toughest decision of the day- the Christmas mani of 2014. Essie 'after school boy blazer' or 'sole mate'?! One things for sure, they'll be a glitter top coat in there somewhere. 

7. At quiet points try to watch the Christmas films you've not quite fitted in yet. I get genuinely upset if I've not watched The Holiday, Love Actually, Muppets Christmas Carol, Elf, The Grinch and a Christmas Simpsons.

8. Trawl through bloglovin making sure you've read, liked and commented everyone's Chrsitmas posts, don't forget to make sure your last Christmas posts are done and dusted. 

9. You're about to head out for mince pies and mulled wine- time to pick your Christmas lip of choice which essentially boils down to 5 shades of red that look the same, but are in fact all very different... 

10. Spend time with family and friends and have a wonderful Christmas Eve dreaming of tomorrow still with as much excitement as you had 10 years ago! Oh and lay out the milk and cookies of course...


  1. This is a great list of things to do, hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I've loved following your blog& youtube, I'm also really enjoying your vlogmas vids!

  2. Love this! Very true haha. Happy chrsitmas Meg :)

  3. Happy Christmas Meg, lovely list :)

  4. Haha I loved this post! I feel you on the malteasers reindeer- the malteasers calendar has been delish this year! xx

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  5. Haha thoroughly enjoyed reading this list, hope you have a lovely Christmas Meg :)



Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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