Sunday, 2 February 2014

Meg's Musings #1| MacBooks, TAGS & Bourjois Beauties

Happy Sunday lovelies! Tonight I have something a little different for you with the first instalment of 'Meg's Musings'- a new feature which I've introduced as a good way of rounding up recent events, content and my general life musings! I came up with this idea because I felt like I needed to do a bit of a general update post after being a bit absent this past week so here we go...

1. So the reason I've been a bit MIA on the blog is because my laptop of about five years finally decided to give up the ghost and I was left with nothing but lunch times and iphone sessions to try and blog in. Luckily the wonderful Becca passed her old MacBook on to me and my amazing boyfriend got it all working and shiny again this weekend so now the Boutique is officially up and running properly once more and I no longer feel cut off from the outside world! #firstworldproblemsorwhat

2. The first thing I did with my new MacBook was edit and upload the video I filmed with Faye and Lydia when they came to stay last week which was the 'Would You Rather TAG: Beauty Edition'. We also filmed the TMI tag for Faye's channel so make sure you check those out if you fancy a giggly watch! Im actually so close to 6,000 subscribers now too so would really appreciate any new subbies :) 

3. I for one am SO happy February has arrived, but sadly I had no time to do my January Favourites so thought I'd quickly mention my ridiculous love for Bourjois right now. The products I can't get enough of are the Happy Light Radiance Primer, Rice Paper Java Powder, Volume Clubbing Mascara, Chocolate Bronzer, Heathy Mix Radiance Reveal Foundation, Colourboost Lip Crayon in 'Peach on the Beach' and Cream Blush in '02 Healthy Glow'. I insist that you need at least a couple if not all of these products in your make up collection...    

4. After really loving my 'New Year New Me' haircut I've decided to also make some New Year changes to my blog- primarily to the name. I have wanted to take the 'Budget' out for a while now as I'm no longer living on a student budget and also work for a high end beauty brand. Therefore, although I'll still be covering just as much budget beauty, I'm switching to just 'Meg's Boutique' which I think is a more timeless name that reflects what my blog is about, so don't be alarmed if you notice the 'budget' bit disappearing from my social channels this week.

5. This weekend was quite a chilled one in Chelmsford with the boy, but it was very needed as I've been having such a busy and exciting time of it. This is largely due to the fact I've started working events in London nearly every week covering social media or doing 'make uppers' for Benefit and meeting friends for dinner, drinks and blogger events afterwards. I've actually been getting quite a lot of emails and comments lately asking for advice on how to follow my career path so if you'd like me to do a post/video on breaking into the marketing and beauty industry then please let me know! 

Also let me know if you want to read more of my 'musings' soon!


  1. Loved this post babygirl, so excited for matching PJ time this week :)


  2. I loved this video Meg!! So fun x

    Claudia x

  3. ah i love lifestyle ramble posts as i like seeing/reading what the blogger has enjoyed doing that week :) Congrats on nearly 6,000 subbies :) & I would love a blog/video about breaking into your dream career job/path :) would be really interesting :)

  4. Congrats on the almost 6,000, well deserved! Meg's Musings is such a good idea, looking forward to seeing more! I'd also personally love to read a post on your career path :) xxx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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