Wednesday, 26 February 2014

The Videos | LFW14 Lookbook/VLOG & Fashion Haul

Hey lovelies! Tonight I just have a little video/general update for you because yesterday I uploaded a London Fashion Week Lookbook (My first ever!) & VLOG onto my YouTube channel and Becca uploaded our Fashion Haul collab on her channel featuring Primark, ASOS, New Look and matching hats. I had so much fun filming both of these videos and I'm really happy with them, so it would mean a lot if you gave them a watch and subscribed to both me and Becca! I gained so many lovely new subscribers from these videos too so I'm now at over 12,000 subs which is just incredible and I've not really stopped pinching myself all day- my Twitter and Instagram have grown lots as well so I'll be updating them nice and frequently if you want to head over. And whilst we're on the subject of YouTube don't forget to enter my big Primark voucher giveaway which closes this week! On a side note sorry if my blogging and vlogging gets a little disrupted in the next few days but my macbook decided to die on me last weekend (typically just after the seriously technological boyfriend had gone back home) and I'm having to do everything out of hours at work. This situation should be sorted by Monday though and I'll be back to blogging with a vengeance- make sure you're following me on bloglovin' so you don't miss out :) Work's been pretty manic this week too as Benefit are supporting the launch of Brow Arch March, which is super exciting but does mean I'm very ready for tomorrow's cupcake and cocktails social. Make mine a margarita ... 

What videos would you like to see next?

1 comment:

Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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