Sunday, 25 November 2012

OOTD: Turn ups and Tinsel

Hello Lovelies!

It's time for another seasonal outfit post today so I can show you a look I've been loving lately which is both preppy and cosy. I also can't get enough of turn ups and tinsel right now (although I'm using tinsel more as a symbol for all things festive!), but then you probably guessed that from the title... 

Lips|Revlon Kissable Lip Stain Balm in 'Crush'

I wore this outfit today as I was mainly just lounging around the house doing some uni work and filming videos, but I find it also works for casual drinks and days out as the jeans and jumper make it warm and comfy, whilst the boots and shirt still keep it dressy. This outfit contains so many of my absolute favourite pieces of clothing such as the Topshop Leigh jeans which are as comfy as jeggings but still look like proper jeans and also the chunky knit jumper that I got to pick out at the Next Fashion Lock In I went to a few weeks ago which I've pretty much lived in since. I never used to turn up my trousers but I always thought Lily looked really cool when she did it so I gave it a go and now I turn up almost everything I wear including leggings and disco pants and love the sort of alternative look it creates, particularly when teamed with socks and boots. These boots actually destroyed my feet the first time I wore them (my poor house mate actually had to give me a piggy back all the way home from uni!), but I think I've broken them in a bit more now which is good as I think they're so beautiful! It also dawned on me today that it's only one month till Christmas, hence the tinsel reference in the title, so to mark the occasion I thought I'd show you the fairy lights we put up in our house today to get in the festive spirit (excuse the huge pile of washing up making a sneaky appearance in the background)...

I needed this chilled out weekend so badly and feel so much better and prepared for the busy times ahead because of it. I got so much blogging stuff done today too so there should be a lot of posts and videos appearing on the Boutique next week! I also have some exciting life news to tell you which is that I've just secured a weeks work experience with the social media team at the Next head office just before Christmas, which I'm super excited about as I think I'd really like to go into social media and PR after I graduate :)

I hope you've all had a good weekend and remember to vote Union J tonight, ohh I'm such a teenage girl sometimes.
Love Meg


  1. Love this look doll. xx

    p.s- loving the mirror

  2. I love the jumper:)!

  3. Social PR is something I really want to do despite currently training to be a teacher, I didn't even really know much about PR before I started uni though. This outfit is so lovely! I love how you have a checked shirt under that jumper to funky it up a bit :) You'll have to tell us all about your work experience when you do it if you can!

    Gem x

  4. Ohhh I love this look :)
    especially with the checked shirt underneath.

    congrats on the work experience - mega jealous.

  5. Ah congrats on getting that placement! Your socks are so cute and I love check shirts! I want a couple more :)

    Robyn Mayday

  6. Ah I love the jumper, so snuggly. I need more in my life (: xx

  7. Your jumper looks so cosy :) Ahh lucky you I'd love to work in social media and PR! ox

  8. Very cute and casual outfit. Great for lounging around the house, which I do all the time.
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  9. That jumper looks so warm and snug!
    I can't wait to put my christmas lights up now!


  10. That jumper looks divine and cosy. And I have a pair of leigh jeans from Topshop too and they barely leave my behind, they are heaven. Your socks are cut too poking out your shoes. I like your mirror and you have a lovely blog too :)

    Gemma x

  11. Love this look so much!! :)

  12. Lovely casual outfit, I love the jumper! I've been living in jeans and big cosy jumpers at the moment, you can't beat it!

    Lucy Loves To Blog

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Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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