Sunday, 18 December 2011

I love beautiful brows...

Hello Lovelies!

After years off obsessive waxing, over plucking and lighter eyebrow lusting, I've finally decided I don't want to make my eye brows disappear any more! I've never had horribly dark or bushy ones or anything, but I've always wanted mine to be lighter than their brown colour and always aimed to make them as thin and least noticeable as possible...but how wrong I was, as in the celeb and fashion world there are now lots of dark eyebrowed light haired lovelies showing us how to embrace and enhance our brows. Initially when I dyed my hair blonde I wanted to get my eyebrows tinted to match my new lighter hair colour, but now after taking inspiration from the lovely lot above, I really love having a more dramatic darker contrast as I think it frames my face better and looks kind of sexy. To get this look I've letting my eye brows grow slightly thicker, as I usually get them waxed into a pencil thin style and I've also started filling them in with an eyebrow pencil. Keeping them in shape is still very important to me, but now I've got a less thin high maintenance shape I've been able to stop the drastic waxes and just make sure I keep on top of plucking stray hairs instead, which is much kinder on the purse too!

Meg's top dos and don'ts  for Beautiful brows-

1.DO start off by going to a beautician and getting your eye brows waxed or threaded into the sort of shape you want, as you could have a bit of a nightmare if you try creating the initial shape by yourself.

2.DO start your daily make up routine by plucking any stray hairs, particularly in the central area between your eye brows and under the brow, as this is the easiest way to keep them in shape and reduce trips to the salon.

3. DON'T over pluck! Plucking your stray hairs is fine, but try not to pluck into the shape of your brows too much (I once had a disaster where I plucked far too much from start of my eye brows and had to go through a horrible stage of growing hairs back patchily so my brows weren't ridiculously far apart, so yeah DON'T DO IT!)

4. DON'T pluck from the top of the brow as these hairs will never grow back so if you take too much off your going to have to get very creative with an eye brow pencil for ever more! Serious over plucking of the rest of your eye brows can result in permanent hair loss too, so try not to get too tweezer happy!

5.DO invest in an eyebrow pencil and try filling your eyebrows to make them fuller and more fabulous.

6.DO get the right colour eyebrow pencil for your hair and skin tone- If your a brilliant brunette then you can get away with a shade as dark as you like, however if you are a bold blonde (I'm definitely running out of good adjectives starting with b now...), then you might need to be a little more careful, as unless you're brave enough to pull off the Agnes Deyn black and blonde contrast, I would suggest trying lighter shades such as hazel or blonde if you are naturally very fair.

7. DO invest in a home tinting kit like the ones from Eylure called Dylash if you can't be bothered to fill out your eye brows everyday and as a much cheaper £7-£8 alternative to expensive £30-£40 salon tinting. One of my very favourite bloggers, Corrie from Dizzy Brunette 3, wrote a great review of one of Eylure's Dylash kits which you can find here-

8. DO dab a little bit of original Vaseline on top of your eyebrows at the end of your make up routine, as this will hold their sexy shape together all day and stop silly hairs going in different directions, just don't use too much or they could look weirdly greasy!

What I use to keep my brows in super sexy shape-

1. BOOTS STRAIGHT TWEEZERS- I got these straight tweezers from boots for only £1.80 and I don't think there is any need to go any more up market as they grab and take out each hair with firmness, ease and precision.

2. RIMMEL PROFESSIONAL EYEBROW PENCIL IN HAZEL- claims to 'Define, sculpt and comb' and leave your eye brows 'Perfectly groomed' and it certainly does! At only £2.99 from boots I can't recommend  this product highly enough- the pencil looks like it's going to last forever and the hazel is a perfect shade in between blonde and dark brown, making it ideal for those blondes who want their eyebrows to stand out a bit or for brunettes who want to more subtly define their brows. Plus you get the comb on the lid as an added bonus!

3. ORIGINAL VASELINE LIP THERAPY- As I said before using a little of this on top of your brows once you've  finished grooming them is a quick and easy way of keeping your brows in a perfect shape all day and at £1.40 for a pocket sized tin that keeps your lips in shape too you can't go wrong!



Well there you have it, the longest post ever on eye brows! I might go a bit darker with tinting or dark brown pencil at some point but I'm easing myself into at the moment... I hope some of you get some useful tips from this and have as much love for eye brows as I do right now haha!

I've had a nice lazy Sunday with my boyfriend who returned from uni last night and also been to sing some carols, I hope you've all had a lovely Sunday :)
Love Meg


  1. You have really lovely eyebrows. As I'm blonde I am so damn lazy and don't have to do much. The strays are hardly visible as they're pale. Yours have a much better shape though, maybe I should use your tips and start putting in some effort!

    Laura x

  2. Your brows look SO good grown out a little and filled in. I had a tragic over-threading brow malfunction a few years ago which made my brows look like Christina Aguilera's circa 2001 - so not a good look. It's taken over two years and my brows are finally back to being full. I'm blonde and have always had very dark brows considering the colour of my hair (but my whole family does) and I used to be really self-conscious about it but now I embrace it and wouldn't go anywhere without filling in my brows and making them even more prominent. I like to use a clear mascara to set them once I've filled them in - MUA do one for a pound which I love! x

  3. love ur brows they've grown so fast ! i get mine threaded well worth the pain i just use a brown rimmel eyeshadow to fill in with a angled brush :) xx

  4. I am frequent plucker myself and have recently let them grow in some...they look so much better. I love the fuller brows on you...your eyes look gorgeous and I love the make up as well!

  5. Laura- Thank you very much! I'd count yourself lucky that because your hairs are blonde the stray ones don't show up, I have to keep so on top of mine!

    Boscy- Ah I'm so glad you think so, thanks! oh dear that does sound like a nightmare, at least they are back to normal now though :) Yes definitely embrace your dark brows, they are so in fashion right now and I love the idea of using clear mascara to keep them in place, it would take out the risk of using too much Vaseline and making them look greasy, I might just have to try it!

    Mica- that's so sweet thank you :) yes they have grown pretty quick thinking about it, it sounds like you keep yours in a great shape too!

    The Curvy Girl- Yes I think brows do look better a little grown out, I'm very happy you like fuller brows on me too and thanks so much for the lovely compliments!


  6. This is a GREAT post! I cannot express MORE, my love of eyebrows! haha. I think they truly frame the face... and they are so beautiful when they are natural! I love it when eyebrows are dark and thick :P

    Aya ♥ Strawberry Koi

  7. Never thought of using Vaseline on them, great tip!

    think i'll be using that in my next beauty tips of the week, i'll credit it to you of course! :)

  8. i love doing my eyebrows, but when i get stressed, i always get a bald patch in one of my eyebrows, ive got it now! so i always use rimmel brow pencil :)
    laur x

  9. Thank you girls! I'm so happy I decided to have them thicker and fill them in now :) and I'm really excited that your going to use my tip Zoe! xxx

  10. this was really interesting and helpful to read - i really need to start paying my eyebrows more attention :/
    <3 Holz oxo

  11. ah I'm very glad Holz! I'm sure yours are fine though :) xxx

  12. Wow I love your brows I wish I could get mine to be more like that Haha going to try out your tips Xx


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