Wednesday, 12 October 2011

My first blog award!

I was given this award by It is awarded to those with under 200 followers by people who appreciate their blog and it helps others to connect with them.

I was so thrilled to receive this award as I've only been blogging for about a month and to get recognition from such a great blogger like Angie is a lovely feeling and it really gives me the motivation to continue growing my budget boutique!

I now need to pass on the award to 5 other blogs that I love with under 200 followers and here they are-

2. (I'm cheating a little with this one as she has 204 followers, but it's such a good blog and it's only 4 over after all!) 

Please remember to:
- Post this on your blog.
- Choose five bloggers you want to give it to & comment on a post letting them know you have chosen them.
- Show thanks to the person who gave you the award by linking it back to them.

The blogs I've passed the award onto and Angie's blog are all amazing so definitely check them out and add them to your reading list!

Hope you all have a lovely Wednesday!
Love Meg


  1. Wow thanks soooo much for picking my Blog!!
    I will do a post about it later!

    Congrats on your award!! <3

    LoveFaye xoxo

  2. Thanks so much for your sweet comment and for passing it on to me,a lovely suprise! I have just posted about it now and Congradulations on your award!
    Hope your having a wonderful week x

  3. That's quite alright my lovelies, I really love both your blogs and thank you, it was very nice to get a little award! xxx

  4. Congratulations on the award and thank you so much for passing it on to me. <3


  5. Thanks Jen and it's no problem, your blog deserved it :) xxx

  6. Helo! I love your style! You have very beautiful pics! I will follow you:) congrats!
    Big hug & kiss:)

  7. Meg thank you so much! Sorry for the late reply, it's taken me ages to get to a computer with internet, but I really appreciate the award - so glad you enjoy reading my blog! xx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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