Sunday, 10 August 2014

Hair Heroes & Adiós

Happy Sunday lovelies! It's been a completely crazy week for me and all will be revealed soon, but right now I'm actually off for another crazy week in Barcelona with the boy. Well, it will hopefully be more relaxing than anything and I for one cannot wait (particularly as it's pouring down with rain right now...). I thought I'd leave you with a brand new video all about my 'hair heroes' and general haircare/styling routine so if you like the barnett you see above please give that a watch and make sure to subscribe as I'll be filming a little lookbook/vlog while I'm away. You can also follow my travels on Instagram and Twitter and I'll be sure to get back into blogging full swing when I return :) 
But for now, adiós!

1 comment:

Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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