Saturday, 30 November 2013

November in Pictures

trout pout / epic hot chocolate / queens of the stone age / carnaby christmas lights / primark christmas shoot / the best early birthday present / my new mac love / emotional cinema times / children in need benestyle

It really has been one amazing month (albeit prematurely festive!)- from taking part in a Primark bloggers shoot to watching an amazing QOTSA gig at Wembley to successes at work, November has been full of epic experiences. Luckily December looks set to continue in the same way as I'm currently spending a weekend back in my beloved Sheffield with all my uni besties to watch our old society's show and head out for an old school Pop Tarts night! This is being followed by working an amazing Benefit event at Oxford Street on Monday, my 22nd birthday, four year anniversary, Birmingham Clothes Show business trip and big visit from my parents! Phew. So mixed in with the countdown for Christmas which I will be following with my amazing early Benebabe birthday present (the one and only cult Ciate advent calendar!!!), this month looks set to be another cracker.

What are your November highlights?   


  1. I am glad life is treating you well lovely! Hope you have a fabulous December. xxx

  2. Sounds like such an amazing month! I love the recap!! The benefit event looked great!
    Kallie @ But First, Coffee

  3. Sounds like you've been having a fab November meg! LOVE your hair in the first photo - it looks lush. And you cant beat mini marshmellows and hot chocolate! x


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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