Sunday, 27 April 2014

April Bloglovin'

It's almost time to turn over another page of my One Direction calendar, which not only means I soon get to feast my eyes upon another dose of direction deliciousness, but you get to feast on a focus of those lovely ladies in my sidebar! Make sure to check both Aimee's and Lucy's blog out as they're totally fabulous and don't hesitate to drop a little email to if you'd like to have your own little place on the Boutique next month :)   

Hi I'm Aimee from Aimee Loves. I started my blog in January this year after realising that i needed to justify my ever growing stash of beauty bits. My main focus is beauty, but i do like to sneak in the occasional baking or lifestyle post. I love having my own space on the web where I can chat about what I love, there is something quite therapeutic about it really. I have loved my blogging journey so far and how its turned out, I hope that you will too!

I'm Lucy, your average beauty and fashion obsessive with an unhealthy addiction to shopping. My slice of the internet will be filled with beauty ramblings and style staples, with some foodie and lifestyle posts for good measure. Blogging is my hobby and I blooming love it, so I hope you enjoy your visit to Dinosaur Dances...

What blogs have you been lovin' this month?


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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