Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Video: My 12 Favourite Beauty Products of 2012

Hello Lovelies!

It's a bit belated, but here is my 12 favourite beauty products of 2012 video! There are some cracking budget and high end finds in there, including real 24 hour lip products, a spot zapping combination that actually works and a product that creates curls which last all day using no heat, so I hope you enjoy watching it and find some new things to try yourself...

Please do subscribe to my youtube channel if you enjoy it and let me know what your 2012 favourites are as I love being nosey. I had my much over due haircut and colour this morning which went so well (apparently I am now channelling the Holly Willoughby look!) so I might pop some photos of that up soon, but now it's off to a night of rehearsal and Les Mis for me. Have a wonderful night girlies!

Love Meg


  1. Ooo have fun seeing Le Mis! apparently its excellent :) can't wait to see pics of your new hair do! :) from the video your hair looks gorgeous :)


  2. looove your youtube vids! they're a must watch! x

  3. What shade is your wake me up foundation? Can't really find my shade and your soft of similar :) xx

  4. What shade is your wake me up foundation? Can't really find my shade and your soft of similar :) xx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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