Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The October Wishlist

Hello Lovelies!

At the beginning of September I started a new feature which was the monthly wishlist where I picked out the top five beauty and fashion things I was coveting and wanted to make mine that month. Well I rather enjoyed putting the wishlist I'd usually just write in a notebook onto my blog and managed to get four out of five items I was lusting over (You can see the things I got here), so today I thought I'd continue this feature with a second instalment-

1. Studded Cropped Sweater £34 Topshop- Now the weather is getting a bit colder I really want to add some new jumpers to my wardrobe, however I'm not sure October calls for full on chunky knits so I thought this cropped sweater from Topshop might be a good transitional piece. I imagine it would look good teamed with my disco pants for a day at uni (although to be fair I think disco pants look good teamed with nearly anything!), plus it has studded shoulders and I'm still a bit of a Magpie with studs at the moment.
2. Wedged Ankle Boots £24.99 New Look- I actually got quite a similar pair of boots from New Look last winter so I might seem a bit silly for including these, but my old ones where too high and not comfy enough for everyday wear, whereas these look super comfy with just the right amount of wedge to wear casually. Could be a future staple I think.
3. Bourjous Healthy Balance Powder £8.49 Boots- Over the summer I stopped using powder as I was obsessed with getting the dewy look, but I did get a bit scared about the risk of shiny forehead photos and there were days when my makeup wouldn't quite last long enough, so I'm keen to find a powder which sets my make up and stops oiliness but still allows a natural glowy finish to come through and I think this could be the one as it's supposed to be a dupe for MAC mineralise skinfinish natural and I already find the Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation and serum are amazing at creating a radiant complexion.
4. A/W Kate Moss Rimmel Lipsticks £5.49 Boots- If you read my blog a fair bit then you might know how much I adore the old Kate Moss Rimmel lipsticks as they have a gorgeus matte/satin finish and are pigmented, moisturising and long lasting (I mean what more could you want in life), so I was thrilled when I heard about the five new shades being released for the autumn and winter. Planning on picking up the nude and berry red as soon as I can get to a Boots.
5. Hearts and Bows Faux Leather Skirt £22.99 Ark- There's nothing too revolutionary about leather skirts as Lily has been sporting her Primark one for quite a while now, but I still desperately want one as I think they're just so versatile and when you're a student multi functional pieces are really important and this Hearts and Bows one I spotted in Ark seems like pretty good value too.

I had a really nice girly time today lunching and makeup shopping with Faye as I wanted to make the most of being able to see her while I'm home for the week. Then tonight is going to be one big pamper and preparation session for the Cosmo blog awards tomorrow night which I'm so so excited for but also quite nervous about as I'm going to be a little nobody in a sea of important beautiful bloggers! Not sure if I'll be able to post again until after the awards now, but you can always follow me along on twitter tomorrow night for direct blog award gossip...

Have a lovely night everyone!
Love Meg


  1. I want everything on this list too!! (except the skirt, already have one of those...and you should definitely get one too) xxx

  2. I love it all, I'd definitely love t own that gorgeous studded sweater!

    Project Rattlebag


  3. I tried on those New Look boots and they're really comfy! x

  4. Oooh theres a skirt similar to that in Primark at the moment for £12! I've posted a photo on my blog cos I bought it the other day. Can't wait to read about tomorrow night, enjoy your pamper night and the awards xx

  5. I love all of these! I have a pair of New Look boots similar to the ones you have here, the heel looks about the same height - I wear mine like every day and they're the perfect height. These are my boots - I really like the ones you've posted though! xxx

  6. I bet the Kate Moss lipsticks are awesome!

  7. Great wish list. I really love that skirt. <3


    Sexy Little Things

  8. Ahhh fingers crossed for you!!! I really hope you win! I'm loving leather skirts right now too. I got one which is more of a discopant-y material from Internacionale the other day for like £12 :)!!

    Robyn Mayday

  9. Great post - never really comment on blogs but absolutely love reading yours no matter what its about, so thought I had to let you know :)

    Please could you let me know what you think of my blog, I'd love to have one as good as yours?

  10. The leather skirt! I've always wanted something like that <3 <3

    Just followed <3

  11. All those lipsticks look soo nice!! X


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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