Sunday, 8 July 2012

NOTD- Wimbledon nail art!

Hello lovelies!

I don't know about you, but I am ridiculously excited for the men's Wimbledon final today, after all this may be the only time we get to watch a Brit have a shot at the champion title so I thought I'd get into the spirit of the day with some fun tennis nail art that I did last night whilst watching that amazing men's doubles final (yay John Marray!)...

Just in case you can't figure out what the nail art is meant to be from left to right we have a rain cloud, strawberry and cream, union jack, tennis ball and tennis court. I'm definitely going to paint all my nails like strawberries soon as that one was so easy and I think looks the most effective, however I won't be recreating the union jack any time soon as it was very fiddly! 

I used all the polishes above to create this look, which are all nice and affordable drug store items that shows you don't need to spend a fortune to create some nice nail art. Oh and I do hope you appreciate the grassy background as to get it I had to take these photos in the rain this morning wearing pyjamas, biker boots and a rain mac! Pretty sure the neighbours will think I'm crazy now...

What do you think of my tennis nail art attempt? What's your favourite design for nails?
Right I better go and eat strawberries and cream whilst shouting various supportive things at Murray now!
Have a great afternoon if you're watching the tennis or doing some other fun thing,
Love Meg


  1. hehe very pretty - well, done! I'm a total mess a nail art :S

    1. thank you! I'm sure your not, it just takes a bit of practise and a lot of nail polish remover haha xxx

  2. awwww cool nail art! it's very creative :)


  3. Cuuuuuute nails. I'd totally indulge in nail art if I could be bothered, but I need to have my nails short for violining, and it's more convenient anyway.
    The Undercover Dress-Up Lover x

    1. aww thank you, yeah you need quite a lot of time to spare! xxx

  4. love your nails they look so cool! I'm so unimaginative with my nail varnish haha!
    Love Holz oxo

    1. thank you sweetie! I'm sure you're not :) xxx


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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