Saturday, 2 January 2016

2016 | Review & Resolutions

First things first, a very Happy New Year! This morning I have finally emerged from my prosecco induced haze filled with motivation and excitement for 2016. Last year was a truly amazing one, with some really big life changes and events- the main two being moving to London with the boy in our very first flat together and the birth of my beautiful niece, River Rae, who has instantly become the light of my life and brought my family together into such a close, special unit. I also just had ridiculous amounts of fun in 2015, as me and my fabulous uni friends now live within a few tube stops of each other and this has caused wonderful relationships to blossom and the kind of memories we'll treasure forever. And how could I not mention travelling to New York at Christmas time with my brilliant man for 24th Birthday and 6 Year Anniversary celebrations. It was something I thought I'd be waiting years to do and was truly the holiday of dreams (The New York post will be coming very soon I promise!). 

Looking back on last year's resolutions -although tidiness is not something I've mastered- I'm happy to say my exercise and eating habits have changed for the better, leaving me with a much greater feeling of energy and well-being than the year before. I managed to 'explore more', taking trips to Paris, Finland, Brighton, Jersey and New York and I'm also proud of what I achieved in my job at feelunique, where I pushed myself to gain lots of new skills and experiences. Even though it was definitely the best year of my life so far and I felt incredibly lucky and blessed, I also started worrying more in 2015- about work, my hair/skin (ridiculous I know), relationships, not being able to blog/youtube as much... I always seemed to find something to worry about and that's the main thing I'll be aiming to do differently this year. I've learnt from all the terrible events which happened in the world last year that the only truly important thing in life is the health & happiness of you and, even more importantly, your loved ones. If you have that, then life is pretty darn fantastic! Although, because I do love a good resolution and list I've still come up with my usual aims for next year, as it's always nice to get excited for what you can achieve in the next 12 months alongside the bigger picture... 

1. GIVE BACK | Do at least one big act for charity per quarter and consistently give back to/show kindness/treasure Dave, family , friends and everyone in whatever way I can.
2. MINDFULNESS | Quite simply, don't sweat the small stuff and go forward as a positive influence, counting blessings, enjoying the moment and remembering health and happiness of those around us is the most important thing.
3. WORKING GIRL | Learn as much as possible-extending skills in photography, copy, social media, business etc and make progression in my career. Keep up with the beauty/blogging industry with at least a weekly post. 
4. NOURISH | Consistently enjoy nourishing my body with fitness and clean eating, continuing what I started last year with regular gym class attendance, delicious healthy home cooked food, more sleep and water.  
5. GET SORTED | Be organised, tidy and on time. This is the year!
6. CARE & REPAIR | Treat hair, skin and nails as well as I can to repair/keep in the best condition possible.
7. EXPLORE | This resolution has another appearance- travel and new experiences with loved ones makes each year different and special, so explore more and more (with the confidence to drive long distance!). 
8. PIGGY BANK | Start that savings account, add to it each month and leave the money in there. No more flirting with the overdraft either.
9. SCRAPBOOK | I have every ticket, photo and token from last year sat in a box next to a scrapbook... Early this month organise it, stick it in and keep it up.
10. READ | Coming from an English lit background I adore reading but don't make time for it, so I aim to pick up the kindle instead of the phone and read at least one book every month. 

Thanks so much for reading and sticking with me for another year! I'd love to know your highlights of 2015 & dreams for 2016?


  1. Lovely post! Good luck for 2016 lovely xx

  2. This is a lovely post! It's so true that if you and your loved ones have health and happiness then life is amazing. Good luck with your goals! x

    Josie | Sick Chick Chic

  3. Love this post... 2015 started off alright for me and whilst it progressed I had to make some life changing decisions for myself and it was hard, stressful, and also very exciting. Blogging took a back seat by August and it's only now I'm feeling more motivated to get back into it - I've missed it so much. I've not made any new years resolutions this year... I just hope that I enjoy life and have a good one! Good luck with yours chicken xx

    A British Sparkle

  4. I need to stop flirting with my overdraft too, I haven't been a student for almost two years... I want to spend more time with friends and family too, i need to say yes more! xx
    isobel's personal style blog


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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