Friday, 5 June 2015

May Favourites

In true blogger cliche style, I cannot believe we're in June already and I'm bringing you my May Favourites today! This video has lots of gems featured in it including the best clothing purchase possibly ever and a makeup duo which has given me the confidence to go foundation free! What were your favourite things from last month?


  1. I wish I had a Primark near me with a better homeware section! Everyone seems to get such lovely bits from there!

    Rebecca - RebeccaClaire'sBlog

  2. Meg, Nip + Fab do a glycolic fix toner pad, similar to the FAB ones you mentioned, but they're £12.99 I think for 60 pads. I grabbed two pots when they went on half price in Boots, Superdrug do them too, and I love them. They've helped fade my spot blemishes to nothing in about a month!


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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