Thursday, 25 April 2013

Drugstore Makeup Haul

Hello Lovelies!

I'm sure if you're anything like me you will have noticed the rather exciting Boots and Superdrug offers that have been going on recently and thought it would be rude not to make the most of them! Well it was this way of thinking combined with the fact all my foundation seemed to be running out at once that has led me to acquire quite a bit of new make up over the past month or so. So much in fact that I thought I'd make a video and blog post telling you all about it...

I talk about all of these lovely products in my latest video, so if you want to know more about them then you can give that a watch (and subscribe to my youtube channel here if you like it), but for now I'll just say this haul consists of some trusty repurchases mixed in with lots of exciting new releases so you'll definitely find some make up worth trying out yourself. And of course let me know if you want reviews on anything in particular :)

What make up have you been buying lately?

I've had a very long and boring day at uni, but I've got a good night ahead as I'm going out for a meal to celebrate the opening night of FAME which was yesterday, so I really need to go and get in the shower and paint my nails now to be ready for that!

Have a lovely night ladies!
Love Meg


  1. Great buys! I love the Barry M Gelly polishes :)
    I'd love to see a review of the Revlon Nearly Naked foundation, if you could? Thank you!

    Jesss xo

  2. The Barry M nail paints are great! i would love to see a review on the Maybelline gel liner, I almost bought this yesterday!

    Kimberley x

  3. I used the gelly nail paints and I really didnt like them, I find they go really gloopy very quickly. It looks like a gorgeous colour though! X

  4. you got a lot of gorgeous makeup products, enjoy :) Can you do a review on the Rimmel primer?


  5. Super big haul! V impressed with everything you've picked up and hope to see some reviews :)


  6. I love the Rimmel liquid eyeliner.. only one I buy! I have to try the bourjois healthy mix! sounds so good xx

  7. OOOO you have bought some awesome things here Meg! :D i have the rimmel primer & so far i'm really liking it :) my make-up never slides off & even my eye make-up stays put :)

    I need to get myself the barry m gelly paints i 've been looking at all the colours to see what one i like best & i think i may have to get them all haha :P
    some other beauty finds in there too - i've heard mixed reviews about the Bourjiois foundation - so i' like to see how that works for you :)

  8. Oh my god you really went for it! I love the Revlon Nearly Naked xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  9. Awesome! I really wanna get the Gelly Barry M nailpolish and try it out.. and I like the BB cream by Maybelline. x

  10. Looks like you've got a lot of great picks! I've been lusting after the Healthy Mix Serum foundation for months.

    Jillicious Cosmetics

  11. great haul! looks like you've picked up some great products!


  12. we are obsessed with BB creams. Definitely let us know how the maybelline one works out.We're loving Garnier's Bb cream at the moment but are keen to give some others a whirl!!

  13. I really enjoyed this video, I've become addicted to youtube beauty videos again recently :P Love everything that you chose, I really want to try the new healthy mix foundation as I was never 100% on the other one. I want that Barry M polish so badly, think I'm gonna treat myself after my final exam :D
    Love Holly x

  14. I use the Rimmel Liquid Eyeliner and I think it is amazing for its price point! I would love to try a gel eyeliner and might have to give this Maybeline one a go :) x

  15. I swear by Healthy Mix but have realized my usually oily skin has turned a bit dry so thinking of purchasing the serum! I tried the rimmel primer a couple of weeks ago too. Not sure again if it's just my dodgy skin but it didn't go well for me unfortunately! I love your blog :)

    Sam xoxo

  16. Really want to buy the Barry M Gelly polishes! That colour is lush!

    Tori xx


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