Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Halloween Outfit: meowww...

Good Morning my lovelies!

I can't believe it's November already! At least it's definitely acceptable to start playing Christmas songs and get planning for the big day now, I'm such a big kid when it comes to Christmas! But before I get too excited I still have part 2 of my Halloween post to do, if you haven't checked out the first one I did yesterday it's here. I would recommend reading it as this one will make a lot more sense if you do. So this is how my cat make up and hair turned out yesterday...

I must say I thought my black lips that I did with face paint and dark eyes that I created with my number 17 smoky eye shadow palette looked rather effective and I also loved having big back combed hair! 
This is what my face and outfit looked like together...

Dress- New Look
Socks- Primark
Dolly shoes- New Look
Cat accessories- Fancy dress shop
My friend Cath went as a devil and I think she looked lovely and that the red strapless tulip dress and sequinned blazer combo worked a treat. I really love my black lacy dress too, I got it from New Look when I was in lower 6th and it's always worked well for costumes as well as formal events and nights out...I think an LBD is such a must have in every girls wardrobe! I also couldn't resist teaming it with some black over the knee socks, as I just love how they are cute but quite sexy at the same time and they are always a nice detail to add to plainer outfits or short dresses when you don't fancy tights. I would normally wear heels, but as I had quite a bit of walking to do to get to the party from the gig we went to first, I opted for my trusty New Look dolly shoes, which are another must have in every girls wardrobe!

I also painted my nails with the No7 stay perfect varnish in beautifully black which I told you about yesterday. At first I thought this would just be a colour I wear on occasions like Halloween, but after applying it I've decided I'm going to wear it on normal days too. This is because I was worried it would make me look like a teenage goth, but actually the slight shimmer and glitter in the polish gives it a more girly edge, while at the same time it's still dramatic and a bit grungy. The pearly consistency of the polish also makes the whole look more lovely and shiny and metallic than opaque, although you do have to apply at least two coats, as one coat is too thin.

All in all it was a fab night and I was really happy with my costume, I just need to recover from it all today and deep condition my hair so it doesn't hate me for back combing it!

How was your Halloween? Do you wear black nail polish casually? How did your costumes turn out?

I hope you have a great day everyone! I'm off bowling tonight with 34 other Supas people (Sheffield University Performing Arts Society)...exciting times :)
Love Meg


  1. I love your costume!!! sexy cat style! and that nail polish is a beauuut! I'm so in love with your style meg!!


    LoveFaye xoxo

  2. Love your Halloween costume your makeup looks really good :) Xx

  3. Love your costume! haha a cat's always a winner!
    I have that black nail polish and love it!


  4. Love the costume, the hair looks amazing!!! lush dress as well xxx

  5. Great costume, i love how your hair looks!


  6. aww thanks so much girlies! I'm so happy you like my costume, make up and hair :) xxx

  7. I really loved your costume! I need to do this one day :D

    Missing Amsie Blog

  8. Yes you should, it was easy and lots of fun :)

  9. You look so cute! I was a cat too! (For the third year in a row...)


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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