Monday, 13 April 2015

Spring Clothing Haul & OOTD

As I write this post the sun is shining and I'm about to step out in my shiny new lightweight mac. Oh yes, Spring is here and I have a new coat just for the occasion! You can find out all about the clothes, shoes and accessories I've been picking up for the new season in my new video which also has a little OOTD snippet attached (think of me filming that with just a tripod and remote...). I actually have so much much new content I can't wait to share with you, starting with a very exciting big blog giveaway tomorrow- stay tuned chaps!


  1. Your hair looks lovely in this! :)

  2. love the items you chose Meg and the overall outfit looks amazing and you look so lovely <3

  3. Love the dress and the coat together! I've picked really cool items :)

    Julia x
    Check out my last post here:


Thank you for making me a happy bunny!

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